Memorial Tree Goes to the : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
Wednesday, May 2, 2001Memorial Tree Goes to the Dogs
MONTREAL (Reuters) - A tree planted in an affluent Montreal neighborhood in tribute to one of Canada's most popular prime ministers is getting the business from a group of neighborhood dogs.
The crabapple tree, planted in honor of the late Pierre Trudeau, is located right in the middle of a battle between some local dogs eager to mark their territory, the Ottawa Citizen newspaper reported Tuesday.
Residents are calling for a fence to be erected around the tree to stave off the urinating canines. "Three dogs did their business under the tree in the space of an hour," a nearby resident told the paper. "It's such a wonderful thing and it's going to be ruined."
The tree was planted using compost from the huge piles of flowers left at public sites in Ottawa and Montreal after the former prime-minister's death in September at the age of 80.
-- Cherri (, May 02, 2001
At least Bush has never got a hummer in the oval office, as we all know that is the worst thing a president can do.
-- klintoon (, May 02, 2001.
Do the residents realize that the same dogs will just be marking the fence too?
-- helen (unfortun@l.y), May 02, 2001.
All presidents get blow jobs. Its one of the perks. Monica was just really good at it and proudly told the stupid fucking repugs. No one dares tell that they sucked Bush's dick. Would you want anyone to know that you sucked Bush's dick? Enough said!BTW - what the hell does Clinton getting a blow job have to do with this thread anyway? Geez you repugs are stupid.
-- Tony Baloney (Fuck, May 03, 2001.