UFO - Dr. Steven Greer's projectgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
I have stayed away from posting UFO information on this new board. I know we have a few interested people, including some lurkers, who have followed this subject so here is one item from a person I consider to be highly credentialed, Dr. Steven Greer, M.D.Dr. Greer has been collecting information for about 10 years, including high level witnesses from government and the military/industrial complex. He has both audio tapes and video tapes, as well as some witnesses that are courageous enough to personally appear at a scheduled press conference in Washington on May 9, 2001.
You can catch up on his progress at the link below, or if you are new to the work done by Dr. Greer so far, the site is very informative.
-- Anonymous, May 01, 2001
Incidentally, the above site has some statements about both anti- gravity technology and zero-point energy, which witnesses have stated we now possess from reverse engineering of downed craft. I have seen a lot of concern expressed about our supply of electric energy in this country, which is presently provided primarily from fossil fuel consumption and nuclear power. According to some knowledgeable people, we *could* be supplying our needs right now with almost free electric power if the secret wraps could be taken off the technology that is now being guarded by the military/industrial complex. Something to think about. I know, it's far out stuff, at least for the average person who has no way to validate these claims.
-- Anonymous, May 01, 2001
Gordon,I love research into UFO's. However, the times that I have seen Dr. Greer, he has come over as being somewhat of a fruitcake to me. JMHO. Maybe I saw him speaking when he was tired.
I want to believe!
-- Anonymous, May 02, 2001
The career of T. Townsend Brown (1905-1985), from boy genius to the Naval Research Laboratory during WW2, followed by postwar research into the relationship between electricity and gravitation, suggests that the Navy has had a serious interest in this for quite a while. In 1956 Brown founded the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP).See • link 1, • link 2, • link 3, • link 4, and • link 5.
Ref. #5 is the most comprehensive of these, and has many other links to T. T. Brown's work.
For more (much more), search Google on these terms together [ "Project Winterhaven" "Townsend Brown" ].
-- Anonymous, May 02, 2001
Gordon, please go ahead and post UFO-type stuff. Credibility is a major issue, and it helps to hear other folks' feedback.I may be misremembering the Art Bell guest. Isn't Greer the one that says the aliens are amongst us but they're just here for peaceful reasons? I found that attitude extremely disingenuous somehow, but I may be thinking of someone else.
-- Anonymous, May 02, 2001
...the aliens are amongst us but they're just here for peaceful reasons?One must be careful when attributing human emotion and intent on non- human entities. what aliens consider 'peaceful reasons' may not jive with what we consider to be 'peaceful reasons.'
If we do impose human emotion on aliens, we have to remember that while some may be peaceful, it does not mean they all are.
hopefully the ones in charge are the peaceful ones, and can control any underlings that are not. But then, humans can't do that, so why should we expect aliens to?
-- Anonymous, May 02, 2001
Gordon, don't hold back. I welcome those sort of postings.
-- Anonymous, May 02, 2001
I see that Greer will be a guest on Art Bell this Friday/Saturday night.http://www.artbell.com/schedule.html
-- Anonymous, May 02, 2001
Sheeple,I have listened to Dr. Greer on the Art Bell show in the past, and I have seen some short videos he made. In fact you can see him on some videos at his web site, www.cseti.org/ I have never had the feeling that he was acting like a fruitcake, but to each his own, as they say. If you really want to believe, you'll have to work harder at it.
Thanks for those links. I have a copy of the original NICAP report. It was copyrighted in 1964, but Barnes and Noble picked up the rights and reprinted it in 1997. It's a thick book, about 8-1/2 X 11, and packed full of reports, photos, drawings by witnesses, etc. You don't have to get very far into the NICAP report before you realize that something extraordinary was going on. Lot's of credible witnesses.
Yep, Dr. Greer holds the position that the aliens are peaceful. Personally, I don't go along with that. I do think there are a few peaceful ones hanging about, but the overwhelming majority of the ones that are zipping around, doing abductions, meddling in human life, are selfish and not acting in our best interest.
However, the reports Dr. Greer has accumulated from high level witnesses are the important part of his presentation. I think he will eventually find out he is dealing with some not-so-honerable beings, but that will be his own lesson to discover. Right now he seems to be so in awe of the whole matter that he is giving them all the benefit of the doubt, which as I say is a mistake in my own opinion.
In the meantime, I recommend catching his presentation on Art Bell. Thanks for mentioning it. I expect he will have some pretty interesting things to say on that show since his public disclosure is scheduled for next week in Washington, May 9, 2001. It will be from 9- 11 AM, and there should be a live feed on the Internet. As to Art Bell, if you miss the show live, catch it the next day from the archives. I always listen to the archives since I don't stay up for the full Art Bell show, and I can fastforward through the commercial breaks when I tap into the streaming audio presentations.
-- Anonymous, May 03, 2001