Our Omnipresent A.M.E. History

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For all of you history buffs, I would like to refer you to the Summer, 2001 edition of American Legacy, pages 67-72. There is a wonderful article entitled, "The Ministers and the Plague", which chronicles the activities of Richard Allen and Absalom Jones during the 1793 plague in Philadelphia.

Also, on page 99, in an exerpt from his book, "An Hour Before Daylight", former Pres. Jimmy Carter recalls from his childhood,the influential presence of Bishop William Decker Johnson, the 42nd Bishop.

As you have probably guessed, I love A.M.E. History!

-- Anonymous, May 01, 2001


Barbara thanks for the info. I love learning about history. Perhaps you can contact the AME histerographer Dr. Dickerson to share this info. His address should be under Church officers on the AME TODAY home page. Again thank you!

-- Anonymous, May 01, 2001

Sister Denise,

You can rest assured that Dr. Dickerson is well aware of this part of AME / Allen History. He has lectured and informed us on these events which are well documented. Bishop Johnson Grandson, Alvin Johnson is one of our pastors in the First District--and I am the proud pastor of "Johnson CHaple" named for Bishop Johnson.

-- Anonymous, May 01, 2001

The Episcopal Roots would explain the inherent skill that Rev. Alvan Johnson, the erudite and unique pastor of Bethel Boomfield (CT) in the New England Conference, has for homiletics. During a tour through Texas in 1997, Rev. Johnson preached a sermon coming from Acts entitled "Word for Windows". It was exegeted in his inimitable way.

Rev. Johnson notes that there is also a Johnson Chapel named for his grandfather in Ferris, Texas (south of Dallas), pastored by Texas WIM president Delphine Vasser (another St. Paul alumna).

According to the list provided on the St. Paul, Atlanta website, the bishops during Mr. Carter's youth in the 6th district were Flipper (1912-1928) and Fountain (1928-1948). After 1948 times in district were apparently more along the lines we understand them today: 8 years .

I wonder: how many of the Johnson Chapels in the Connection are named after John Albert, and how many after William Decker? I suppose the same could be asked for bishops Allen (we all assume Richard, but it could be Alexander), Grant, Gaines, Chappelle, Reid, Bryant, Robinson, Thomas, Young, and Williams. Interestingly, the Class of 1988 is all "repeat names".


-- Anonymous, May 01, 2001

Pastor Denise,

Rev. Dr. Tyler is far to modest. He is a gifted,annointed Pastor and Preacher and is on the cutting edge of what is going on in our Zion insofar as reaching across cultural lines. Just as imortant to me, i he is also my friend, having played more than a little part in how I came to be an AME... something I thank him and curse him for on alternating days...depending of course on what is going on in my ministry at that time!

blessings, pastor mike

-- Anonymous, May 02, 2001


Thanks for the American Legacy reference. I will incorporate this citation for the Richard Allen Sstamp Initiative project. Pres. Carter, much like myself, are shining examples of how the spirit of African Methodism influenced die-hard Baptists :-) QED

-- Anonymous, May 02, 2001

Pastor Mike I know Dr. Tyler is modest and that is one of the qualities that makes him a great minister! He follows the example that Jesus gave us and that is to be a servant of God. Pastor Mike I just laughed and laughed when you spoke about Dr. Tyler getting you into the AME denomination. For me it was Rev. Dr. James Clark, who told me I HAD to become an AME pastor. Thank God for Dr. Tyler for we need you Pastor Mike!!!

-- Anonymous, May 02, 2001

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