Ding dong the dingo's deadgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
Dingo bingo
-- Lars (larsguy@yahoo.com), May 01, 2001
Two comments without reading the linked article:1. My dingo's named Bingo. She's alive and well. (Ok, she's Black Lab/Dalmation, not dingo)
2. Every time I hear/see the word 'dingo', I think of the Seinfeld episode in which Elaine and Jerry are at a cocktail party on Long Island. They work out a signal (pat their own head) which means rescue me from this bore! Now!
Elaine gets stuck in a conversation with a woman who's looking for her fiance. She drones on and on and on about her "baby". Where's her "baby"? Elaine finally is so crazed by this woman's nasal drone, she responds with:
Maybe the dingo ate your baby.
Ya had to be there...
-- Rich (howe9@shentel.net), May 01, 2001.
RichDefinitely a classic!! And she did it in her best Aussie accent too. If I remember correctly, she was 'suffering' from the effects of a visit to the dentist that afternoon too.
Was that the 'STELLA......STELLLLL-LLAAA' episode also??
And I may very well have a couple of episodes mixed together here too.....
-- Deano (deano@luvthe beach.com), May 01, 2001.
Man! Just read the story. Horrible!Why did dad drag the 7 yr old brother out there after the older boy had been killed??
-- Deano (deano@luvthebeach.com), May 01, 2001.
Oy like ta cook dingoes on me barbie
-- (PaulHogan@Meryl's.billabong), May 01, 2001.
Mr.Hogan, what do dingo's taste like? Any favorite recipes or do you just cook on barbie?
-- meat be meat (and nothing s@id.about cats), May 01, 2001.
Dingo tastes much like dog. The secret is the barbie sauce which is extracted from the funk in kangaroo pouches.
-- (MelGibson@BeeGees.Goolagong), May 01, 2001.