US the only country using honest trade : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread |
yahooIn a separate ``Super 301'' report, outlining more general trade priorities, the United States detailed a long list of other practices it was closely monitoring, including:
-- customs valuation practices in Brazil, Mexico and India;
-- burdensome automobile dealer protection laws in Central American and Caribbean countries;
-- restrictive auto policies in Japan and Korea;
-- onerous technical regulations in Mexico;
-- lack of transparency in regulatory rule-making in the EU;
-- EU subsidies for European plane maker Airbus;
-- agricultural practices in Canada, Australia and Japan;
-- telecommunications trade barriers in Taiwan and Mexico.
In a third report, Zoellick's office listed government procurement practices in the EU, Japan, Taiwan and Canada which it said were ``of significant concern to U.S. exporters.''
-- Rachel Gibson (, April 30, 2001