AWWWWWW - Nice pic : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

From Lucianne: President pets pooch as pet not prop

-- Anonymous, April 30, 2001


Yep. Nice to see a real human being for a change. GW may have his shortcomings, but at least he's human.

-- Anonymous, May 01, 2001

What struck me about this picture is that the dog is obviously very used to having his tummy tickled by W; this was NOT a staged shot.

-- Anonymous, May 01, 2001

Dogs will always go into that supplicating position towards the leader of the pack. Dogs are pack animals. Bush is the leader of that dog's pack, so it is natural for him to do that. [Yes, they do loved their tummies rubbed.]

Our Yorkie will do that on command for me. Usually I just have to look at him and he does it, sometimes I have to tell him, "Grovel." He then gets his tummy rubbed and all is right in the world, as far as he is concerned.

Good to see that the dog has his tags, eh? Does anyone know who the 'First Vet' is? heh heh

-- Anonymous, May 01, 2001

I guess I see too many pit bulls and rottweilers around here. They don't look like groveling types.

-- Anonymous, May 01, 2001

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