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You wanted to know about tomatoes?Everything you always wanted to know about tomatoes
And then, when you find you have too many:
How to cook those tomatoes when the neighbors start to hide when they see you coming with another bag of tomatoes
-- Anonymous, April 30, 2001
Thanks, OG! I'll be back in a few days after "digesting" all this! *NYUCK-NYUCK*The second link leads to the same URL as the first, though. Thanks again!
-- Anonymous, May 01, 2001
Interesting, almost none of the links from the Lycos site work. Are they having problems, hack attack maybe?
-- Anonymous, May 01, 2001
Sorry about that. That second link should be a TAMU site. Watch this space!
-- Anonymous, May 01, 2001
Tomato FAQs from TAMUNCSU - Growing tomatoes for home use
WSU - Tomato vareties for home use
Nebraska U - Tomatoes in the Home Garden
Mother of all plant question search engines
-- Anonymous, May 01, 2001
Got a link, Git? LOL
-- Anonymous, May 01, 2001
I freeze extra tomatoes, skin and all. When I want to use them, I run them under hot water (just the opposite of blanching fresh), and the skin slips right off. I chop them while still partially frozen, and then add to sauce, sloppy joe, salsa (and fresh salsa is such a treat in February!), whatever. Just don't use them in salad. That's kinda blicky. They're good to go for any type of cooking, though.
-- Anonymous, May 01, 2001
Yep, absolutely--freeze the buggers. Saves all that canning and works as well as Yerfdog says. I saved even that work by giving away all the extras last year :)
-- Anonymous, May 01, 2001