Hmmm, Password and return : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
Hmmmm...Once each 24 hours (at 0001) I need to pop the password back in here. I wouldn't have even a minor problem with this if greenspun just went ahead and displayed whatever thread I had clicked on, but NOOOOOOO, in order to get back tot he board in "THREAD" mode, I have to go either to the EZB link on the page or re-click my bookmark to get to the top level.
Greenspun returns, after the password screen, to Heirarchical post and reply mode as an aparent default. ANy thoughts on fixing this, or so I get to just live with it....
-- Anonymous, April 30, 2001
I believe the system is rebooted at least once daily, which explains why it is necessary to re-enter the password. I am not about to attract the attention of Philip Greenspun and will live with the inconvenience..
-- Anonymous, April 30, 2001
Oh indeed I DO understand about Phil G. Wasn't complaining about the need for the password, that's quite OK just the need to go to EZB Curents or to reclick on the bookmark because of the default return form the PW screen.ANd by all means don't go to Phill. Umm perhaps you could edit the part about where the board is from to include BOTH the link to Curents@EZB AND to the top level here??
Milo, who has been IN that screen just doesn't remember if this is possible.....
-- Anonymous, April 30, 2001
I'll have to pass that on to our Site Manager, see what he thinks. Does anyone else find this to be a problem?
-- Anonymous, April 30, 2001
Not a problem, just get frustrated having to remember the password....and SPELLING it correctly! hehehehe
-- Anonymous, April 30, 2001
Gosh, that's an easy password to remember!
-- Anonymous, April 30, 2001
I have no hesitation in blaming it all on Brooke, who chose it after frolicking in the flowers. Barefoot has the next choice--I hate to tell you what his choice is.If you think of it as two words--"core" and "opsis," it's not so bad.
-- Anonymous, April 30, 2001
[Can you believe Git shot down both?]
-- Anonymous, May 01, 2001
"Opsis" is actually a Latvian surname, I know a family of that name.Might I suggest that next time you change the password, that you think about one that is typeable on one side of the keyboard? A lot easier for those of us who are often typing with one hand holding the cat on our lap. (Barefoot and Carl, shaddup -- I can read your minds so don't even _think_ of saying what you are thinking out loud).
-- Anonymous, May 01, 2001
Would you believe Barefoot has actually been working on that? Problem is, the bugger is left-handed! Or maybe the one-handed naughty words are made from letters on the left. . .
-- Anonymous, May 01, 2001
A quote attributed to Milton Berle from an episode of the Tonight Show comes to mind. he was speaking to Zha Zha, IIRC....
-- Anonymous, May 01, 2001
If I remember correctly, the longest word you can type with one hand is "stewardesses". Why does trivial nonsense like this stick in my brain so well?
-- Anonymous, May 01, 2001
I'm righthand-challenged at home at those times when my lapcats have self-activated, so I would appreciate a lefthanded password. (Just one cat at a time, but they tend to line up for lap duty.)
-- Anonymous, May 01, 2001
It's my left hand that has the cat, my right hand has the mouse.
-- Anonymous, May 01, 2001
I vote that Firemouse has to trade in for a righthanded cat.
-- Anonymous, May 02, 2001
And by rights, the mouse belongs to your cat, not your right hand. See how simple it is?
-- Anonymous, May 02, 2001
The cat gets a mouse, mama takes the mouse, the cat gets a treat inside, mama puts the mouse on a shovel and does mouse jai-alai with it into the ravine across the street.
-- Anonymous, May 02, 2001
Firemouse, is that anything like Tiger Woods routine?
-- Anonymous, May 02, 2001
You should have seen this overweight, middle-aged woman chasing this overweight, middle-aged cat across the street to retrieve a baby rabbit yesterday. On second thought, perhaps you shouldn't have. I got the rabbit but it was too late. No handy ravine, either, had to be a plastic bag and wheelie bin.
-- Anonymous, May 02, 2001
You should have seen me last year, when I found a dead chipmunk by the swingset after Elphine and Thumper had seen it staggering the day before. I was concerned that it might be rabies, so I put on my flashy yellow rubber boots, got out the shovel and scooped the chippie into several layers of plastic bags. I then poured a bleach solution all over the ground and shovel, as those nice people on the Internet rabies sites had told me.I took it down to the county health department. Guard said I couldn't bring it in, had to leave it in car and someone would come out to get it. I spend several delicious moments thinking of all the holdups I could have done with it, picturing myself snarling "I've got a rabid chipmunk and I'm not afraid to use it!"
-- Anonymous, May 02, 2001
The cat actually managed to catch a grouse several years ago. The children had just had an elaborate funeral for an ant, burying it in a little cardboard jewelry box. They insisted the grouse needed a funeral too. I could see my husband looking wistfully at the grouse, who showed no visible signs of mauling, only that "only sleeping" pose dead animals are fond of exhibiting. I whispered to him that we could bury it in a shoe box, and that he could come dig it up and cook it later that night, but he just couldn't handle the idea.
-- Anonymous, May 02, 2001
I hope you at least dug it up later and gave it back to the poor cat...
-- Anonymous, May 02, 2001
Carl, not "poor cat", "stupid cat"! One more self-absorbed feline who hasn't caught on to the idea that you DON'T bring your trophies home. They will be confiscated, you will be banned!
-- Anonymous, May 03, 2001
Cats bring home their catches to teach us how to hunt. They don't understand this supermarket business. All you have to do is go outside and catch your OWN mouse, bring it in, toss it around, chew off the head, and so on--just one time is all--and the cat will understand that you know how to hunt, you just choose not to.
-- Anonymous, May 03, 2001
Most of the mice around here are carrying Lyme disease deer ticks.What if I bring home some guy and try that stuff? Think the cat will get it? This is the cat who was bright enough to start chug-a-lugging mice (she once threw up three at once) when she realized that mama was going to confiscate the corpses.
-- Anonymous, May 03, 2001
Jst be glad that the cat is catching its own mice, and not just picking up dead ones that have been poisoned.
-- Anonymous, May 03, 2001