[ot]Started a new Forum for Food & Recipesgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
Hi All,Via Email's today I talked to Old Git and she said to post a link for my new forum here. She thought there may be someone here interested in it. She's really such a nice person. She offered me some help on color changes on the new forum I set up after she had read in one of my posts somewhere else I didn't care for them. I did seek out this help from her and she gave me the needed info so I will be changing color schemes soon. But it's basically up and running as long as the EZBoard Server Pub65 from He11 keeps on working. It should be ad free for all visitors within a day or so after the Gold Community stuff gets registered with EZBoards till them you may have some banners and popups. There's not much there yet, so please feel free to hop right in...... I'll be adding a bunch of stuff as my time always in the next few days.
Link: Kath's Kozy Kithchen
Actual web address in case my HTML skills are to rusty to remember the link codes above: http://pub65.ezboard.com/bkathskozykitchen
-- Anonymous, April 29, 2001
Looks tasty! My tummy was a grumblin' jest reading the headlines!here is a fixed link for your site. Your link has http:// twice.
"Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." --T.S. Eliot
-- Anonymous, April 29, 2001
Thanks Barefoot for fixing the link for me..... I was so worried about getting the basic's right I said the dang "Http" twice to the stupid mic without realizing it. Must of been the kids bugging me. LOL..... Gotta try and blame someone! Oh, forgot their all in bed. I guess that makes me pretty stupid for sure, since the 'puter only types what I say! DUH! Gotta watch my mouth closer.But I swear I really do try..... Thanks again for the fix.
-- Anonymous, April 29, 2001
You're welcome. My pleasure, really.
-- Anonymous, April 29, 2001
"She's really such a nice person."There was some doubt???
-- Anonymous, April 29, 2001
Never a doubt........Kath
-- Anonymous, April 29, 2001