JACKSON - Sued for child support

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Saturday April 28 5:58 PM ET
Jesse Jackson Sued for Payments

CHICAGO (AP) - The mother of the Rev. Jesse Jackson's out-of-wedlock child has filed a lawsuit seeking child-support payments and visitation arrangements.

Karin Stanford filed the lawsuit about two weeks ago in Los Angeles after unsuccessful negotiations with Jackson and his attorneys, said Stanford's spokeswoman, Michelle Jordan.

``The process of resolving the settlement is ongoing. There is no contest,'' Jackson told the Chicago Tribune.

Jackson's attorney, Willie Gary, said the details of a settlement had been worked out with Stanford's attorneys, but Jordan said there was ``no agreement on the table.'' Stanford's attorneys declined to comment.

Jackson, 59, said in January that he is the father of Stanford's child. Stanford, 39, is a former Jackson aide who worked in the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition's Washington office.

Jackson previously has said he pays Stanford $3,000 a month in child support. Jordan said Jackson has not seen the toddler since the story broke in January.

A hearing on the lawsuit is scheduled for May 9 in Los Angeles Family Court.

-- Anonymous, April 28, 2001


guess they cut off her consulting fees?

-- Anonymous, April 29, 2001

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