Skull Queen : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread

Anyone have solo beta for Skull Queen, anything other than supertopo info? I am wondering about any special gear, linking pitches, and best places for bivy with potaledge. Any info would be great thanks and rock forth, David

-- David Brendgard (, April 28, 2001


Hey David,

After dinner ledge there are no big ledges on skull queen (at least not big enough to sleep on.) The best strategy is to either climb to dinner ledge, fix two pitches and blast to the top the next day or bring a portaledge. Almost all belays will nicely accomodate a ledge. I have posted more beta at

Please let me know if this helps!

Chris McNamara

-- Chris McNamara (, April 28, 2001.

I climbed it recently and found that a set of offset aliens was most useful.

-- bob steed (, May 05, 2001.

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