sailing the wintry seas : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Hello everyone, in case you are wondering about my latest treks, I have spent the past five months on and off sailing a tall ship in the Canary Islands, and also one wintry week in the English Channel and up the Thames into London (where they raised Tower Bridge for us twice!). I have put together another web page with photos, if you would like to see, the address is:

I am just about to take on a permanent job in Oxford, UK - my first real job in two and a half years - scary stuff! So it's back to the nine-to-five grind, no holidays and no more fun for me for a while. Until I get bored and hand in my notice......

Hope you are all well


-- leucite (, April 28, 2001


Does this mean that you might be back in the chat again? I hope, I hope! You've been gone too long leucite. By the way, beautiful photos on your website. I wish I were as adventurous as you are. See you soon!

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, April 29, 2001.

Wow, Leu ... what a trip! You certainly have been living life to its fullest! :-)

I second Laighe's question: does this mean we'll see you around more? (I hope)

-- editrix (, May 09, 2001.

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