HUMOR - Cat Carrier : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

-- Anonymous, April 28, 2001


Response to HUmor - Cat Carrier

We have a couple of cats who need something like this. Where can I buy one?

-- Anonymous, April 28, 2001

Response to HUmor - Cat Carrier

But, if you set it down, it can still run away! I think it needs leg holders.

Is there an attachment?

-- Anonymous, April 28, 2001

Response to HUmor - Cat Carrier

Damn, they always get you with the accessories, don't they?

-- Anonymous, April 28, 2001

Response to HUmor - Cat Carrier

No, you just lean the handle ove on it's side!

-- Anonymous, April 28, 2001

Response to HUmor - Cat Carrier

No, you just lean the handle over on it's side!

-- Anonymous, April 28, 2001

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