EQ - Small one hits New Delhigreenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
Saturday April 28 12:26 AM ET
Tremors Hit Delhi, No Early Sign of DamageNEW DELHI (Reuters) - A small earthquake rocked New Delhi on Saturday, rattling windows and furniture, but there were no immediate reports of major damage.
An official at the Indian meteorological department said the intensity of the quake was estimated to be around 3.8 on the Richter scale.
Its epicenter was in the district of Sonepat, in the state of Haryana, to the north of the Indian capital.
``It is a slight earthquake,'' the meteorological deparment official said, adding that it happened around 8:36 a.m. (local).
``Houses may have developed cracks but no damage to life and property is expected,'' he added.
Police and fire brigade officials said they had not received any immediate reports of damage.
A powerful quake killed at least 30,000 people in the western Indian state of Gujarat in January.
-- Anonymous, April 28, 2001