Why is it.....

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

when you hear of a big ship running aground somehwere, it's always an oil tanker??

Story on the news last night of yet another oil tanker hitting a reef! Never a car carrier or something like that.....

Deano - who's bored on a Friday.....

-- Deano (deano@luvthebeach.com), April 27, 2001


Good question, Deano. To which I guess nobody has the answer.

Speaking of oil spills, have you been catching the news about possible oil drilling off our gulf coast? The media's been hot on the story around here. If it does come about, there could be rigs put up a mere 30 miles out from MY beach. Ouch!

-- CD (costavike@nimby.com), April 27, 2001.

Deano, because oil is heavy,and the way tankers are built they sit much lower in the water. (Watching the oil barges going by.......)

-- Marg (okay@cutaway.com), April 27, 2001.

Deano, An oil tanker going ashore is newsworthy (pollution !!!) whereas a wrecked grain ship et al is of little interest to TV viewers.

I have another of those questions for you.Why is it that if a cow is going to get through a hedge & make a break for it along the road at night, the blasted animal is always a black cow ?

-- Chris (enquiries@griffenmill.com), April 28, 2001.


We don't need no steenkin' oil rigs off our coast!! Yeah, been watching that one with much interest. Probably not much we can do about it though......


Could be. Cars and trucks are fairly heavy too.


LOL! Even more puzzling is why that black cow wandered in the road right at the time when the one car an hour comes through??


-- Deano (deano@luvthebeach.com), April 30, 2001.

Chris / Deano,

This is funny, but also a real concern to those of us who travel country roads at night, particularly ones that have lots of dairy farms along the way. Maybe a radar gun would help, instead of a radar detector. What varieties of cows reflect radar best?

-- Flash (nazflash@northlink.com), April 30, 2001.


I've recently seen commercials on TV with a new Caddy(?) that has the night vision built into the front windshield. Pretty wild technology! They show the car spotting a deer in the road before the driver could see it.


-- Deano (deano@luvthebeach.com), April 30, 2001.

Thanks Deano!

I'll have to look into it more. Hitting a deer isn't fun but you are less likely to get hurt yourself, other than in the pocketbook. A friend of mine hit two of them at 80+ in northern Nevada and it sure messed up his front end. A cow, on the other hand is supposedly like hitting the proverbial brick wall. Adding insult to injury, in some states you have to pay for the cow, too, after you get out of the hospital.

-- Flash (nazflash@northlink.com), April 30, 2001.

Out here in Idaho, cow's gots the right of way. They go on red all the time so you have to watch out for the ones that seem to be in a hurry. Collide with any of em over 1600 pounds and your radiators goin to throw out steam like a coal burner headin up the grade with a load. Old lady Wilk's got pissed at her husband one night and headed into Lewiston to spend the night and she hit a Charolai steer doin about 70. She had a brushbumper so it didn't do much damage to her rig but the one with no nuts didn't fair so well. She committed a hit and run but she left her license plate imbedded in his butt so the deputy pretty much figured out who did the deed. She bout got a devorce over that one!

-- Boswell (cjseed@webtv.net), May 01, 2001.

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