VOLCANO - I think Popocatepetl just blew upgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
Just had a quick look and either there are a lot of birds around, the camera lens needs a really good clean, or Popo just had a crisis. In any event, there's still a lot of smoke, much more than there has been lately.P.S. The lens is REALLY dirty!
-- Anonymous, April 26, 2001
Translation courtesy of Babelfish :)ABR 26, 11:00 h.(17:00 GMT, Noon EDT): In last the 24 hours, the activity of the volcano has stayed low. 14 exhalations of low intensity were registered accompanied by steam transmissions by water and gas. Also episodes of harmonic tremor of small amplitude with duration of two hours appeared approximately. At the time of this report it is not possible to be observed the volcano due to the cloudiness. In the morning place setting by snow could be observed approximately from the level of 4300m. Snowed and rains in the top of the volcano, produce the fumarolas of water steam that go to the Southeastern. It is possible that activity explosive, similar to the one of day 16 of April, can appear in the next hours or days. This condition does not change to the scenes and the formulated recommendations previously.
It is reinforced to maintain the restriction of access around the volcano in a radius of 12 km. The Traffic light of Volcanic Alert remains in Yellow Phase 3.
here's an unusual view:
April 16
And one showing the snow:
April 25
-- Anonymous, April 26, 2001
Also, Mount Etna is active. I just went to the web cam but it is dark. I went earlier today and saw smoke coming out the top of the volcano.Mt.Etna Web Cam
-- Anonymous, April 26, 2001
Git, I went to your link of Popo and can't see what's going on there. Have you heard if it erupted big time?
-- Anonymous, April 26, 2001
I have it on the action cam, and all I see is smoke also, I just got home from all day errands, so I haven't heard any news today!
-- Anonymous, April 26, 2001
Haven't heard anything, other than CENAPRED expected some sort of eruption shortly: "It is possible that activity explosive, similar to the one of day 16 of April, can appear in the next hours or days." The camera seems spotted with rai right now, nothing to see. (7 PM EDT)Just looked at Etna and there seems to be a red glow abotu a third of the way up on the right side. Is that due to lights, do you know, or is it the site of the smoke you saw earlier?
-- Anonymous, April 26, 2001