Baby Chicks less than 1 week old, already feathering : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

This is only our second batch of baby chicks. The first looked like RIRs, but we couldn't be sure. A neighbor's dog got them when my 3 yr old forgot to close the gate to the Chicken Yard. :-( We lost all 8 of them.

This time we ordered 25 Buff Orpingtons from McMurray Hatchery. We received the order on Monday April 23rd. They are still the size of an egg even 4 days later, but they are starting to feather at the wing tips already! Our first batch didn't have any feathers for about 2 weeks. So is this normal with Orpingtons?

I've seen other folx here talk about having Orps, I figured they were a decent breed to raise. Any insight you might give me would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

-- Devera Morgan (, April 26, 2001


hi Devera, I have had a few Buff hens, and they are nice birds. Chicks will usually start getting those first feathers on the wing tips at only a few days old.

-- mary, texas (, April 26, 2001.

I just love my Buff's. I ordered a variety of chicks and the Buff's were the first ones to get their feathers. What you are seeing is normal for this kind of chicken. On another note, they are great setters and mothers-very protective of the chicks. Enjoy!

-- corey d. (, April 26, 2001.

We are having a small problem with our buff orps that you might want to know about. The rooster is soooo protective of his hens that we can't get into the coop unless it is at night. The hens are also laying their eggs all in one corner where we have to go in to get them. Needless to say he is scheduled for the pressure cooker as soon as I get some chicks out of him! Wish me luck we're candling the eggs today! annette

-- annette (, April 26, 2001.

Fanciers on the subject of mean roosters do this Take a full bottle of hot sauce pour into a squirt bottle and add 2 bpttles of water. Now carry the squirt bottle to the barn and don't allow him to hit you a he already ha before, hit him in the eyes with several squirts of the hot sauce water. and carry the bottle and when he comes at you again give it to him. Will cure most roosters but you have to be very persistant in squirting if it takes the whole bottle. email me for more information or a free copy of national poultry news at Glenda L. heywood

-- Glenda L. Heywood (, April 26, 2001.

Squirting hot sauce in a critters eyes doesn't go over too big with me. -sorry- My roosters have never come after me or anyone else. The hens don't mind my searching under them for eggs. I don't handle the chicks, so it's not that I train the birds.

What I do do is free feed, the hoppers always have feed in them. I feed nothing by hand. I have found that these two things keep my birds calm. The birds free range during the day and I'm sure that also helps. The birds all free range together and roost together at night.

-- ~Rogo (, April 27, 2001.

We have two Barred Rock chicks that were a week old on the 26th, they have all their wing feathers and are now getting there tail feathers. We have Buffs also and at 4 days old they all have wing tip feathers and are very plump and cute.

-- Kelle in MT. (, April 29, 2001.

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