Neo-Nazi Jackbooted Baptist : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
Neo-Nazi Jackbooted Baptists
-- Wake UP Folks (what@is.happening?), April 25, 2001
Yes, this is why Ashcroft and Dumbya instructed our DEA agents to bait Peru into shooting down the baptist missionaries over Peru. They were key players in another branch of Baptists that do not subscribe to the Nazi approach, and they were spreading the message that even Jews can got to heaven if they believe in Christ. The Nazis simply will not tolerate that.
-- (us government is funding @ one-world. Nazi religion), April 26, 2001.
GOD never meant for the church-too be a 1 man show. the 1st christians--we,re instructed by the apostles,and ALL we,re considered ministers of the gifts given by GOD. THERE was no false=hierarchy--all we,re=equal-and the most=mature- we,re very servant-minded. now we have catholic/protestant=false gospel standards. ''organized[so-called] christianity is doomed!! ALL the apostles we,re taught personally by CHRIST/GOD. MANY=FALSE-APOSTLES CREPT IN-AFTER THE TRUE APOSTLES WE'RE ALL GONE. anyone can=play church--but there are the FEW-who wait until GOD speaks[by=holy spirit]what happened to the self-righteous jews-will happen to the churches!!!! it's NOT about who any/man/preacher is. IT,S [ALL] about who *CHRIST/GOD* IS AND WHAT {HE} HAS ACCOMPLISHED & WILL FINISH!!most of so-called xianity has the cart-before the horse"
PAUL the APOSTLE gave the clue=[laymans terms] ''if GOD don,t do it [in me] then forget it''-----it,s=ALL OF HIM/GOD-----THRU HIM/GOD----- ---TO HIM/GOD.----all we,re reqiured to do[is cease from self-effort] ACCEPT the free gift-then REST in what HE WILL DO!!
-- al-d (, April 26, 2001.
Al-d: I wondered, as I read this, what you would say about it. The author was leaning heavily toward what you've been saying along.
-- Anita (, April 26, 2001.
Anita-This is a very subtle parody.
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, April 26, 2001.
Tarz: Betty Bowers is a parody site. I don't think this one is. I read a few of the other "articles" on this site. I expected to be amused by 18 ways to be a glory to your husband, but I found it mostly encouraging courtesy and deference, and for many Christians, deference IS encouraged. I also read the one on Silent [something]. It basically encouraged folks to respect their local police, etc., without assuming that their color will be the binding factor in who they arrest.While I'd admit that the author on the Jackbooted Baptists has some strange beliefs of his own, I didn't see the examples in conflict with some stories I've read in the mainstream press. There really ARE some folks who follow their pastor's teachings without question.
I'd like Poole's input to the article. He tends to keep up with the folks involved with fundamental Christianity, and the names tossed out by the author went right over my head.
-- Anita (, April 26, 2001.
Balaam's Ass is affiliated with the same group who produced The Landover Baptist page, Americhrist Ltd., as well as Betty Bowers and Sister Taffy. They've even produced pages that are critics of these pages (parodies of course).
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, April 26, 2001.
A 1 ON 1 with FATHER/GOD was what JESUS/GOD was teaching. who needs religion-when we can have=relationship!JESUS made the way[the door] to the back home with father & children relationship. read PSALM 103=SEE FATHERS HEART.
-- al-d (, April 26, 2001.
Dang, Tarz. I must be desensitized. I'm sure I started out thinking, "You MUST be joking. Nobody really believes stuff like that, right?" Of course that was BEFORE the Y2k discussions and all the fora that followed. Next thing ya know, I'll learn that Jeff Rense runs a parody site and that the folks who claim to believe his stuff are all joking. Heck, I may even learn that KoFE has been pulling everyone's leg all along. I may even learn that the Jim Jones thing was just another fraud like that moon landing.That wasn't meant as sarcasm, BTW. I REALLY am questioning now why I read some sites and threads and actually think some folks are serious. I've lost the ability to discern.
-- Anita (, April 26, 2001.
Americhrist Ltd consists of three or four guys who were students at Liberty University. At least one got kicked out, I don't recall the fate of the others. Anyway, they all got disenchanted with fundamentalist Christianity, but they were all steeped in it, so their parodies ring very true. Basically, I'm saying it's not you, it's the quality of the parody.BTW- I originally thought Balaam's Ass was the real thing, too. In fact, I referred it to the Useless Pages for their Religious Kooks category and get a semi-flame e-mail informing me of my error. So if you're naive for getting fooled, then so am I!
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, April 26, 2001.
Tarzan, I did a search on Google for Americhrist, ltd and Balaam's Ass, but I couldn't find anything linking them. What evidence do you have to link them together? I find it hard to believe that Steve Van Natten is not for real, as I used to troll him with e-mail questions, and got surprisngly knowlegable answers from him. But, if you can prove that this is a satire, I will eat humble pie.
-- Butt Nugget (, April 26, 2001.
You guys are laughable. You must be a bunch of Waco watchers. I guess you all believe in chemtrails too!!!!What a bunch of morons!
-- (, April 27, 2001.
Hi Butt Nuggett-In the flame e-mail I got from the Useless Pages were two articles making the link. I'll post the links and text here over the weekend since they're on my work computer. The answers you got were surprisingly knwledgeable, and the website rings very true, because the folks behind the web site are steeped in Christian fundamentalism.
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, April 27, 2001.
Whoops! The info's on my home computer, I'm on my work computer.
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, April 27, 2001.
Anita says she has lost the ability to discern. I sympathize with that. Several times I have read something and thought "this has to be a parody," and it turned out not to be.The piece we are discussing: I thought it might be a parody, but I wasn't sure. But I thought whatever it was, it was a howl.
-- Peter Errington (, April 27, 2001.
Peter: That's the problem. OUR howl is someone else's belief.I look at the conversations [for instance] regarding the Cascadians. They chose to put their faith in an Eastern philosophy that encouraged chastity. There's no doubt in my mind that they're good people, but folks look at them and question their choices because they're not the same choices that the observers would make.
For a more far-out example, I look at some of the Christian sects that believe in polygamy. Perhaps due to the "closed circle" in which these folks find themselves, the man seems to choose his first wife and choose his second and third wives from the daughters of his first [none of which are the fruit of his loom]. To ME, this is unacceptable. I wouldn't chose this lifestyle for my daughters, and I'd toss out any mate of mine that looked at them in THAT way. Others accept this practice as normal.
With all the oddities in which humans engage, it is no longer easy to discern a parody from the real life thing.
-- Anita (, April 27, 2001.