BUSH - Taking him seriously

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Andrew Sullivan, http://www.andrewsullivan.com/

TAKING BUSH SERIOUSLY: I just read the Washington Post interview with the president. Go read it. Tell me when you've read it if you still think, as many of you tell me in emails, that he's a bumbling fool who doesn't have a clue what's really going on in his administration. I was also gratified to see that my own interpretation of his absence in Washington State for the return of Hainan detainees and his decision not to speak out on the Cincinnati riots were deliberate attempts to set a new tone. "I'm a person that believes - I believe in sharing credit, and I do not believe in stepping on somebody else's story," Bush says. "I believe if somebody is in charge of the situation and is doing a fine job, that person ought to deserve the credit. And your question is more than just, obviously, race relations. It's how I'm going to handle myself for the next four years in terms of when I show up. And the answer's going to be if I think it's appropriate. And I may think it's less appropriate than other presidents, frankly. It's the same question that came up about why if I'm so strong on the military, why didn't I show up when the troops came back from China. You can make the same exact connection between the issue and my appearance." Two other points: he doesn't back down in drilling in the ANWR and he makes a lot of sense. Ditto on Kyoto. There's also a refreshing candor about his remarks and a clear confidence in his own judgment. I hope I've not been completely suckered - and I may be basking in post-Clinton euphoria - but this guy is impressive. Impressive in his delegation, in his humor, in his grasp of what he is trying to do. So sue me for saying so. At the eve of his first hundred days, I'm glad I endorsed him - and gladder still he's president.

-- Anonymous, April 25, 2001


I agree. I saw the article where he has had Clinton's porn movies removed from airforce one. He really strikes me as a decent person, and I prefer honesty and decency over skill and craftiness any day.



-- Anonymous, April 25, 2001

I do like Andrew Sullivan.

-- Anonymous, April 25, 2001

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