VideoPack4 : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
These have been asked before and attempts have been made for answers but the topics always veer off to something else so here we are again: VideoPack is fine for a five-year old program but it has at least two glaring bugs. The first is attempting to add audio to a still, whether the source was WAV or MP3/MPA, always creates distorted sound on playback of the created VCD. The other is it refuses to allow one to give the VCD any other name except "VolumeLabel" (which, when you see on a VCD pressed or CD-R, legit or pirated, you know instantly VideoPack was used to create it). Is there anyone out there who might know where we can all get patches for correcting these? I'm sure there are. :)
-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, April 25, 2001
Hello, I have one patch for VP4, and i am guessing thta you also have it, since this message is about 6 months old soon.. Anyway, in my VP4 the sounds sounds excellent on playback in a stand alone player, and i succeeded in creating a complex vcd with sub menues and everything with music.. and it worked just great.. i was impressed :)// Robert
-- Robert (, August 28, 2001.