SL - Calling Bread-machine Bakers - recipe wanted : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Some one of you folks out there has GOT to have a Bread Machine Recipe for Scones (well for the DOUGH for scones, I know the machine won't form and bake 'em, but with my Breadmaker's Hearth I'll be fine for baking them).

Chuck, who has been able to score them all this past year or so but with the impending change in jobs he won't be going into their natural habitat anymore....

-- Anonymous, April 24, 2001


Response to SL-CAlling Bread-machine Bakers - recipe wanted

I don't think you can make a good scone in a bread machine. Scone-making requires a bit of a light touch and the butter/shortening and flour have to be rubbed together to incorporate as much air as possible into the mixture.

Here's a site with a good selection of scone recipes:

Scone Recipes

A British site probably would have better recipes but you'd have to convert the measures.

-- Anonymous, April 25, 2001

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