CANCER SCARE - Sunbathers would ignore it : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

BBC Tuesday, 24 April, 2001, 23:38 GMT 00:38 UK

Sunbathers 'would ignore cancer scare'

All sunbathers are urged to use protective lotion Some UK suntan fanatics are so desperate for bronzed skin that even a skin cancer scare would not stop them, according to a new survey.

The NOP survey for the Imperial Cancer Research Fund (ICRF) "Sun Sense or Sun Abuse?" campaign found that 14% of the British public would still want a tan even after experiencing the worry of potential skin cancer.

Despite numerous public health campaigns emphasising the cancer risks and damage caused by sunburn, it looks like British people will still hope to return from their summer holidays with a tan.

Three-quarters of Britons say they like having a suntan at some time during the year, and nearly a quarter prefer a year-round tan.

But the researchers noted that British people have confused views on people with tans. While more than seven out of ten agree those with tans take risks with their health, a similar number think tanned people look healthy.

Many people associate tans with vanity but fashion clearly influences public behaviour - 17% of people would not want a tan if pale skin became fashionable.

'Reckless' sunbathers

The survey found that more than one in five adults will binge sunbathe over a weekend to achieve a suntan, with the worrying tendency particularly pronounced in younger people.

British people can be reckless with 24% of those surveyed only using low factor sunscreen and 14% sunbathing with no protective sunscreen at all.

Participants were also asked how they felt about male and female celebrities with or without tans.

Those surveyed preferred Titanic star Kate Winslet, sometimes described as a classic pale-skinned "English rose", without a tan.

But 39% thought former Big Breakfast presenter Denise van Outen would look better with a tan although a quarter did not know who she was.

"I'm concerned at how desperate some people are for a tan", said Dr Charlotte Proby, consultant dermatologist at ICRF.

"A suntan shows that the skin is being damaged by too much sunlight and is trying to protect itself.

"Sun-seeking behaviour and inadequate sun protection increases the risk of the skin being sunburned and this damage will increase the risk of developing skin cancer."

-- Anonymous, April 24, 2001


I am blonde haired and blue eyed.....we have a much more susepteble skin type for the damage of the my INGNORANCE of youth, I used to be golden brown from may till september, and have had this removed from here and there on my face...I am very careful not and wear a "gramma" bonnet when I am out for any length of time....and I wear long sleeve even in 90 degrees if I am outside. I have sen people with skin cancer and it AIN"T pretty! and with the sun flares, this year one really needs to be careful.

-- Anonymous, April 25, 2001

SAR01, like you, I'm blonde, and got too much sun in my younger days, before I knew what I was doing.

Years ago, on the tube, I saw one of JFK's sisters (can't recall the name, too many to keep track of. She's the one who's the big supporter of the Special Olympics.) Anyway, as far as I know she's led an admirable life, not a boozer, but she looked like hell. I think that years as a sun worshipper had left her face looking like an old catcher's mitt.

-- Anonymous, April 25, 2001

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