SL - Tackle box tips : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Organizing a Fishing Tackle Box To prevent injury to your fingers from hooks and lures, affix hooks/lures to packing foam peanuts or onto individual foam trays. Also, it will help to keep them organized for easy use.

-- Anonymous, April 24, 2001


Response to S.L. tackle box tips

When I was catering weddings part time a few years ago, I had a nice sized tackle box filled with extra tips, bags, etc. that I carried with me to the reception in case I needed to make last minute repairs on the cake, or if I was assembling hors d'oeuvres on site. Made it real handy to have everything organized and easily portable.

Now, in my dream kitchen, I'd have several of those big, stackable tool cabinets on wheels to hold all my assorted tools and gadgets. . .

-- Anonymous, April 24, 2001

Response to S.L. tackle box tips

I hear you...I do alot of crafts, and I have lots of boxes and things for all my toys!

-- Anonymous, April 25, 2001

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