ADMIN - It is suggested that you do not use real names and addresses : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
The old Timebomb forum on this server taught us not to use real e-mail names and addresses. There is one overriding reason: disturbed persons can harrass you by e-mail and might even be able to discover your phone humber. It happened on the old forum many times and there is no guarantee it won't happen here, even with a password.When you create a fake e-mail address, please don't use .com, .net, .org, etc., as you may unwittingly hit on a real ISP. This can cause problems too.
-- Anonymous, April 23, 2001
It is VERY annoying when my humber is discovered. ;)
-- Anonymous, April 24, 2001
I don't want a phone numb-er, I want a phone that is more vibrant and sensitive.
-- Anonymous, April 24, 2001
Humber is an English word meaning smartass. If you find my glasses, you will let me know, won't you?Firemouse, you want a phone that reaches out and touches you?
-- Anonymous, April 24, 2001
Ah, but tis a better thing by far to all else to be considered an annoying smartass, than to be nothing other than a pesky dumbshit.I will wear the title of smartass with honor and if Firemouse gives me her humber I will reach and touch her in such a way that she will be disappointed by any other man after me.
-- Anonymous, April 24, 2001
I never, ever thought of you as pesky. ROTF!Firemouse, don't let him have your humber under any circumstances.
-- Anonymous, April 24, 2001
I hardly ever use the phone these days, most everyone I know has e- mail. And given that Mr. Firemouse and I work from our home and are together 24/7, chances are that one would reach his dulcet tones, and I am sure that he would not be interested in That Sort of Call. So anyone's chances of getting my humber are slim.Even the gentleman admirers who do know me well enough to make That Sort of Call complain that I rarely am available take phone calls. ;)
I did have a single prank call from someone on the Net once, and mind you this is in 8 years of public bulletin board activity generally using my legal name. Someone tracked me down and found the number I customarily use (not the one in the phone book, the fax is on that). They knew I had mentioned online how much I hated jazz, so they left a full 5 minutes of some dreadful noodling jazz on my answering machine. I laughed til I wept. No-one ever admitted to it, I'm impressed that they could keep a secret like that.
-- Anonymous, April 24, 2001
I must confess I e-mailed a complaint to the Weather Channel when they were using some discordant fusion jazz for muzak on the local forecast. They didn't use it for a long time after that.Dammit, this thread has drifted so far, it's in the shipping lanes of the North Atlantic.
-- Anonymous, April 24, 2001
Question:When one is baking bread, and the recipe is calling for yeast and there is none available, how far apart should the holes be for the best production sounds in a recording of whale song from 1852?
Talk about drift......
-- Anonymous, April 24, 2001