Thanks Dumbya - I didn't need my money anyways! : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Have you noticed, after 8 years of gas doing nothing but going down in prices, Dumbya is getting it close to $2.00 a gallon. And the American people think he is some kind of hero or something?

-- visualize impeachment (commander@in.grief), April 23, 2001


As stupid as you are, how do you have access to a computer?

-- J (Y2J@home.comm), April 23, 2001.

Careful there poster, Dumbya is J's hero. J likes to kiss his filthy bunghole. He WORSHIPS him! Don't say anything bad about his hero Dumbya, or J will call out the Nazi jack-booted thugs to come and get you. This is the way Fascist conservatives respond when they don't get their way, and everyone doesn't worship their dictator.

Hey J, guess what? ....

-- conservatives are worthless shits! (, April 23, 2001.

worthless shit,

Say what you want. That is one of the beautiful things about the United States of America.

Oh, but don't threaten the life of the United States of America. That could get you an extended stay in Leavenworth.

-- J (Y2J@home.comm), April 23, 2001.

The only one threatening the life of the USA is your hero Dumbya, selling off our country to the NWO corporate global facism. Importing labor, exporting jobs, kissing ass with Communist China, and destroying the environment, all for the profit of multinational corporations. He is a TRAITOR, and you're too blind to see it.

-- (Dumbya a puppet for @ the. NWO 4th Reich), April 23, 2001.

worthless shit,

Believe what you will. I am obviously not too blind to see someone threaten the President's life.

I don't think that the Secret Service will be too blind to see it, either.

-- J (Y2J@home.comm), April 23, 2001.

Knock it off Dennis. You are starting to see conspirators behind every Bush.

You must be getting stressed out with the big execution coming up. Have you heard from your martyr hero lately?

-- Jack Booted Thug (, April 24, 2001.

Jack Booted Thug,

Thanks for the input, but I will do exactly as I please. Our little poster, "worthless shit", may not have that luxury after the Secret Service catches up to him. I hear that Leavenworth can be a bit constricting on one's lifestyle.

-- J (Y2J@home.comm), April 24, 2001.

I'm scared J, I'm REALLY scared. Booo-hoo-hooo, sob-sob, I love Dumbya too, just like you. He's my hero. Do you think he'll let me kiss his ass, or is it reserved for your lips only?

-- conservatives are worthless shits (just look @ J. the spineless sellout), April 24, 2001.

worthless shit,

I wonder what your sex life will be like in Leavenworth?


-- J (Y2J@home.comm), April 24, 2001.

Leavenworth?? Ooooooo, I'm SO scared!

Send them over J, I'm waiting.

You may not realize it, but you have made a total fool of yourself tonight. The more you say, the funnier it gets. But since I'm actually starting to feel bad that you have been such a sucker, I'm going to leave you alone now before you dig yourself into an even deeper hole. Be a good boy and go to beddie-bye now, your Mommy is calling.

-- conservatives are worthless shits (, April 24, 2001.

worthless shit,

You are too stupid to be scared.

Deeper hole? The only hole that got deeper was the one that you dug for yourself when you threatened the life of the President of the United States of America. Laugh while you still can about threatening the life of the President. The Secret Service takes their job very seriously.

-- J (Y2J@home.comm), April 24, 2001.

...don't threaten the life of the United States of America.

Jeez, J, nobody threatened "the life of the United States." (insert dismayed chuckle here.) Get a grip, pal. You're being far too melodramatic for your own good.

-- What (, April 24, 2001.

...when you threatened the life of the President of the United States of America.

Oh great. Now you've morphed it into "the life of the President of the United States." I bet you also tell one helluva' good Fish Story. I can almost hear you now....

"I was out drinking by the river with my buddies, shootin' squirrels and lightin' farts when I caught this fish, see? It was, yo, about twelve inches, wait. I meant it's head was twelve inches long. Did I say "inches"? I really meant to say feet. Yeah, the head was twelve FEET was a...a...a whale. Yeah, THAT's the was a whale! Shit howdy, I caught myself a goddang whale. Ain't that sumpin'? " (guffaw, guffaw)

-- Bozo, Bozo (, April 24, 2001.

LOL! That fish story sounds like one that Z would come up with! I think J is taking lessons from him.

Please forgive J, he is a paranoid conservative. They tend to see everyone and everything as a threat, especially when it comes to money. It comes from having a huge inferiority complex, and rightly so.

-- cyber freud (poor J is @ even. threatened by truth), April 24, 2001.

Fuck J! He is another worthless brainless repug. The arrogance of these take it up the butt repugs is scary. Fucking liars!!

-- Brain (used to be Pinky) (Fuck, April 24, 2001.

LIBERALS are worthless dependent slugs, sitting in their mobile homes waiting for their SS checks and trolling web sites.

Gas was $2.30 a gallon last summer, idiot.

-- libs are idiots (, April 24, 2001.

J (Dennis Olsen) is obviously vastly insecure. Leave the poor guy alone. He has found himself proven wrong often enough lately that he's become increasingly skittish and neurotic. I think he's still having some money/employment problems, too.

I bet you've never found yourself proven overwhelmingly, publicly wrong, seen your picture appear in the newspaper, and lost your job as the result. Well, J/Dennis has. Cut him some slack.

Maybe.... Let's pretend like there's a "kill dumbya" conspiracy hatching, so J/Dennis can feel like he has a purpose again.

-- Jesus (, April 24, 2001.

"Maybe.... Let's pretend like there's a "kill dumbya" conspiracy hatching, so J/Dennis can feel like he has a purpose again."

That way we can get a dumbshit socialist President like algore.

-- (, April 24, 2001.


In the first post, my mind got moving faster than my fingers could type. I realize that has never happened to you.

You should check out the "Presidential selection took the heart out of democracy" thread to see "worthless shit" threaten the life of the President.

cyber fraud,

You should also check out the "Presidential selection" thread. By the way, your guess that I have a "huge inferiority complex" is way off base. If anything, being on this forum amongst such a group of idiots, I have to guard against becoming too arrogant.

Brain-dead (used to be Pinko),

I think that I liked you better when you were Pinko the communist. Not that I liked you much then, of course.

libs are idiots,

Of course gas was higher during the end of Clinton's term, but certain liberals are so stupid that they can't understand this simple fact.

Senor Martinez,

You make two mistakes in your first sentence; maybe you should stick to something that you understand. I am not in the least bit insecure, and I am not Dennis Olsen (or Olson, for that matter). I don't believe that you could carry all of the pesos that I make in a year, amigo.

-- J (Y2J@home.comm), April 24, 2001.

In the Chicago market I paid over $2.00 a gallon in July/August of last year for self serve regular gas.

Remember these headlines from 2000....during ahem...the Klinton administration?

Fuel Protests Spread Across Europe

Clinton: "Use all available means to fill fuel oil storage tanks"

CA:Soaring gas prices concern truckers

Gas prices soar again No relief in sight

Gas Prices Soar Again - No Relief In Sight As Average Cost Hits $1.92 A Gallon In San Jose

-- Clinton Energy Policies (Dug this hole@for us the, April 24, 2001.

You should check out the "Presidential selection took the heart out of democracy" thread to see "worthless shit" threaten the life of the President.

If that's the case then that's the thread where your rantings belong.

-- Keeping (, April 24, 2001.

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