IL - Glitch suspends services at secretary of state offices : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread

IL - Glitch suspends services at secretary of state offices

Secretary of state offices are fully operational

By Jill Blackman Tribune staff reporter April 23, 2001 Secretary of state office computers are back on line after a computer glitch this morning shut down service temporarily, officials said.

Secretary of state spokesman Dave Druker said the glitch was caused by an internal problem and was fixed by noon.

The problem prevented the office from renewing driver's licenses or processing vehicle stickers for about three hours, Druker said.

Druker said 17 of the 138 facilities in the state were affected.

"We certainly apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused," Druker said.,2669,ART-51368,FF.html

-- Doris (, April 23, 2001

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