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NetiquetteAn important part of online conversations is "Netiquette," or online etiquette. It's important in chat rooms, mailing lists, and other online forums, as well as in daily email. And it varies with individuals and groups, just like in the "real" world! Some of your friends, co-workers, etc. will find certain comments funny, and some will be offended. The same applies online, only you can't always be sure how someone you can't see or hear will react. Just like in public, it's wise to watch your language until you're sure of your company. Take the time to learn the customs, too. Don't use all capital letters -- IT'S CONSIDERED SHOUTING!!!! Some consider all lower case to be mumbling. Nearly everyone accepts emoticons -- those little typographical smiley faces, winks, etc, like this: ;-). They restore some of the face-to-face aspects of conversation that email can't convey -- like letting recipients know you're "just kidding!"
- Dennis Ryan
-- Anonymous, April 23, 2001
READ THE DAMN TOS!!! I'm not ;)Snort!
-- Anonymous, April 23, 2001
were you shouting at me?????? HUH????
-- Anonymous, April 24, 2001
me thinks Git was saying that one should read the TOS at whatever site you are at so that one will know what is acceptable.Then again, maybe she was shouting at you... LOL
-- Anonymous, April 24, 2001
I like to keep you all guessing. . .
-- Anonymous, April 24, 2001
(but Who's on second?)There is a point in Internet life, different for everyone, of course, where 'emoticons' begin to seem a tad too cute......... easily overcooked, like fried eggs.
(At any rate, that's what the Grinch in my cellar mumbles now and then.)
-- Anonymous, April 24, 2001