We are thinking of moving to Fresno Calif.greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
My husband and I are thinking seriously about moving to Fresno. We have a great opportunity waiting there for us but we are afraid of the energy crisis there. Can anyone here give me more information on it? Thanks. Any hlep will be appreciated.
-- (energyshortage@myself.com), April 23, 2001
-- (L@Time.s), April 23, 2001.
http://www.sfgate.com/cgi- bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2001/04/21/MN210563.DTL&type=n ews
-- (S@F.Chronicle), April 23, 2001.
Thank you very much for posting those links for me. I read them but I am really hoping to hear from someone who actually lives around there. If you do and are willing to discuss this with me will you please e me? My address is real.
-- (energyshortage@myself.com), April 23, 2001.
Fresno is hot, hot, HOT in the summer with temperature *averages* of 98 degrees but it can go as high as 112. Air conditioning is a must and with the electricity rates what they are in California, that could translate into severak hundred bucks a month, EASY! California is also suffering rapidly raising gasoline prices (along with everything else) so you really need to do a cost of living comparison to see if the move is worth it. There are sites on the net that provide the formulas for comparison if the money factor is a big consideration for you. I know because I plan on soon *leaving* the State because it just costs too damn much and I suspect that California's economy is going to go tits-up pretty soon, primarily because of the energy situation. I'd rather leave at the top of the market rather than get caught in the crunch.
-- 1 (2@3.com), April 23, 2001.
If you own a house maybe we can work out a deal? Keep my e for the next three months in case you really decide to go.
-- (energyshortage@myself.com), April 23, 2001.
Oh, I'm leaving - of that there's no doubt - but I'm not in the Fresno area. I've heard grumblings from some friends who live there so I'll pass along your e-address in case they're looking to bail soon.
-- 1 (2@3.com), April 23, 2001.
Fresno sucks! High gang activity! If you move 40 miles east you'll get some nice property to purchase. Depressing, that's all I got to say.
-- don'tbuythere (don'tbuythere@staywhereyou'reat.stay), April 24, 2001.
Energy,I actually live pretty close to Fresno. Fresno, per se, is not too attractive of a place. Nearby clovis is nicer. The area is not too far from a bunch of GREAT hiking and backpaking country in the sierras. It is near Yosemite, the Ansel Adams wilderness, the Kaiser wilderness, etc.
As we say, Fresno is "nowhere" but it is within 3 hours of "anywhere." Yes it is hot for a few months, but it is pretty dry heat and you get used to it.
It is a great area for agriculture. You can grow anything from oranges to apples.
Fresno State is a nice campus. Hmm..what else can I say???
-- Mountain Mike (mountain_mike@mail.com), April 24, 2001.
MM:I can agree with what you say, except I never got used to the heat; dry or otherwise. The surrounding area is great.
Please keep up the good talk. I was responsible for part of the Earth Day activities here. I talked to an awful lot of people. About 2/3 had moved here from California in the last year. We have an excess of power, lots of water and an unemployment rate that hovers around 1%. But we can't continue to absorb them.
Keep talking it up. *<)))
Best Wishes,,,,
-- Z1X4Y7 (Z1X4Y7@aol.com), April 24, 2001.