Official warns gas prices could : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday April 23 11:36 AM ET Official Warns Gasoline Prices Could Go HigherWASHINGTON (Reuters) - Gasoline prices, which have jumped almost 20 cents a gallon over the last two weeks in some cities, could climb even higher if there are disruptions in fuel supplies, a top energy official warned on Monday.
``If anything unforeseen should happen -- a refinery go down unexpectedly, a pipeline taken out of service -- we would see gasoline prices skyrocket,'' said Robert Kripowicz, acting assistant secretary for fossil energy at the Energy Department.
Speaking at a meeting of petroleum geologists, Kripowicz said U.S. gasoline supplies remain tight relative to consumer demand. ``We are on the razor's edge of gasoline supply and demand,'' he said.
The most recent data from the Energy Department shows U.S. gasoline inventories at 193 million barrels, down 13 million barrels from a year ago and way below historical levels for this time of year.
The national price for gasoline at the pumped averaged $1.56 a gallon last week, already above the $1.52 summer peak the department forecast would be reached in June.
Kripowicz said higher gasoline prices, along with other rising energy costs, are helping to slow the U.S. economy.
``The last three recessions in this country have all been tied in some way to rising energy prices, and there is evidence that today's energy problems are contributing to the economic slowdown,'' he said.
-- Anonymous, April 23, 2001
Could skyrocket?Jeez, I'm already paying $1.87 a gallon for the cheapest gas in town...
-- Anonymous, April 23, 2001
Thank heavens Sweetie got another job closer to home---15 miles instead of 30 miles from here. At least we're within 3-bus distance instead of 5-bus. . .
-- Anonymous, April 23, 2001
To quote Al Jolson "you ain't seen nothing yet"Kip
-- Anonymous, April 23, 2001