Leica M 35F2 Summicron for sale

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I have for sale a black 35mm Summicron-M F2 non ASP model mint boxed with hood s/n 3681855 £450.00. Based in London.

-- Simon Larbalestier (larby@simon-larbalestier.co.uk), April 23, 2001



What is that in US$?

-- Jack Flesher (jbflesher@msn.com), April 23, 2001.

Jack, I'm suprised at you! That's about $648 US. My fee for that conversion is another one of your tests. For example, how much difference in contrast is there between an 8 element 35cron and a 7 element later version.

cheers, P N

-- Paul Nelson (clrfarm@comswest.net.au), April 23, 2001.

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