TB2K closing on the 24th

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Timebomb Closing Thread

-- Anonymous, April 22, 2001


I'm not surprised that this is to be the final result. There were only two or three sysops who did the hard work over there, like archiving posts and fixing html mistakes, not to mention trying to keep order. Those people have moved on. I don't feel any pangs of regret because the Timebomb it became was nothing like the Timebomb it was.

-- Anonymous, April 22, 2001

Git, I didn't know anything about the old forum. After the flaming I'm getting over there today I won't be real sad to see it close either.


-- Anonymous, April 22, 2001

Well, I will miss what is was, but not what it has become.

I really am sorry to see the collection of contributors that made it so vital and interesting split between several different boards.

In addition to this one, there are two others that I now check, but the synergy of the old board was, in my opinion, unique.

I can't gloat over the end of the old forum, but what is was has been gone for some time. Just as well we all move on.


-- Anonymous, April 22, 2001

You're right, GB. Sometimes, when I'm looking for a particular humorous piece or prep information, I'll wander around the original TB and enjoy the camaraderie. The URL is:

Original Timebomb Forum

The old preps forum is:

TB Preparation Forum

-- Anonymous, April 22, 2001

Git, Am I doing something wrong? The links don't work for me.

[Sorry, Kip, don't know what happened. Redid it, seems okay now. OG]

-- Anonymous, April 22, 2001

So, ar there any plans to transfer the Fruitcakes and Stealth Squirrels to this board?

-- Anonymous, April 23, 2001

Oh. . .there's plenty of fruitcake lovers here. . . :-)

-- Anonymous, April 23, 2001

An' I bet Carl's got a picture of one somewhere.

-- Anonymous, April 23, 2001

Nope, not me... but you can find some here, espcially if Greybear gives you a key to the album :)


-- Anonymous, April 23, 2001

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