2nd Amendment Rally(For all who can be in Austin)

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Comment Donald Shimoda Registered User posts: 41 (4/21/01 10:50:45 pm) Reply | Edit Community Supporter

2nd Amendment Rally(For all who can be in Austin)

Howdy, Folks!





Texans to Rally for Their Second Amendment Heritage

Austin, TX: There can no longer be any doubt: the Second Amendment, our Right to Keep and Bear Arms, is under the greatest attack in American history since 1776. Concerned Americans from across Texas and surrounding states will be converging Sunday, April 22, 2001 in Austin, Texas on the south steps of the Texas State Capitol from 12:00 Noon to 3:00 PM to let their voices be heard.

The rally is being organized by Alex Jones, Director of Texans for Freedom, and is sponsored by Texas State Rep. Suzanna Hupp, R-Killeen. Confirmed speakers include: Senator Jerry Patterson, Bastrop County Commissioner Don Loucks, Peaceable Texans for Firearm Rights President Paul Velte, Students for the Second Amendment Executive Director Damaso Torres and more to be announced.

It is imperative that you and your family take time out to defend the State as well as Federal Constitution from gun-grabbing attack dogs of the establishment. Examples of such attacks are:

the March 25th, 2001 Austin American Statesman article, "Disarming Argument" called four separate times for a complete ban on handguns and for confiscation.

Texas State Senator Jerry Patterson, in testimony given on March 20, 2001 before the House Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence, said that, in every case from Australia to the UK to Canada to the US, when you have registration you always have confiscation.

Gun manufacturers and their incredibly well-made self-defense products have had hundreds of nuisance lawsuits brought against them, designed to, in the words of Andrew Cuomo, former Secretary of HUD, "give the gun manufacturers a death by a thousand cuts."

And this is only the beginning of the organized racketeering against the Second Amendment. In Texas, bills like HB 193, HB 209 and HB 1332 would restrict people from as old as 18-21 from being able to even touch a handgun, rifle or shotgun. The goal of the gun grabbers: destroy the Second Amendment by outlawing parents from taking their children hunting or shooting.

Bills like HB 446 would require all homeowners to lock their guns inside of a gun safe or to have a trigger lock on them in the home, car and business, rendering the firearm useless for self-defense, not to mention the fact that SWAT teams will now have an excuse to raid law-abiding citizens’ homes to "search for unlocked guns," (as they have been doing in CA since they instituted their "safe storage" law).

And don’t forget, to complete the registration of your guns they need to shut down the gun shows so that there cannot be private sales that aren’t tracked by the FBI. They need to know where to pick them up. Those bills are HB 367, HB 404 and HB 635 to shut down private sales at gun shows. By the way, they passed these laws a few years ago in California, and now they have a bill to ban anyone selling or giving away their private firearms anywhere (even to family members).

All freedom loving Americans are invited to attend the Texans for Freedom Second Amendment Rally Sunday, April 22, 2001 in Austin, Texas on the south steps of the Texas State Capitol from 12:00 Noon to 3:00 PM.

What you’ve read is just the beginning, much more will be revealed. Please distribute this flyer to all churches, gun shows, VFW Halls and other places where freedom loving Americans exist. Please forward this Press Release to every corner of Texas and rally support for the Second Amendment. We’ll see you in Austin on the 22nd.



Pictures will be taken, and posted on various TB2K sites(with Sat's help...hint, hint ;) )

Peace and Love,


-- Anonymous, April 21, 2001

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