Michael Crawford Phantom Movie Campaign

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If you have never seen him perform the part, you are missing something really amazing.

And yet, despite critic's rave reviews of Michael Crawford's performance as The Phantom, if the rumors are true Warner Bros. is now seeking a Hollywood name to play the role in its movie version.

Michael Crawford as the Phantom, above all, brings out the character’s solitary pathos rather than his demonic horror. It is the humanity under the mask that seizes the attention, not least when his flickering, desperate hands suddenly emerge from behind an Angel of Music hovering over the lovers on the Opera House rooftop.

The Really Useful Group and Warner Bros. Pictures have received thousands upon thousands of letters and petitions from Phantom fans all over the world for more than three years. These fans have worked very hard to make their voices heard and their concerns known about this upcoming film to the companies involved. This web site and all the history of their efforts will remain here for all to read in the future. No matter how this movie is now made, the fans will not be silenced..........

Will they listen to the fans?

Welcome to the Michael Crawford Phantom Movie Campaign. This Website is devoted entirely to the cause of promoting the casting of Michael Crawford as 'The Phantom' in the upcoming film version of Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera.

The Michael Crawford Phantom Movie Campaign is an organized group of consumers who want to make a specific purchase: Movie Tickets to a film version of Andrew Lloyd Webber's Phantom of the Opera, starring Michael Crawford. Like other consumer groups, TMCPMC uses petitions, letter-writing campaigns, and group activities both to increase our membership and to make our desires known to the relevant companies. While matters of taste and emotion are certainly involved, TMCPMC's primary function is to demonstrate the financial viability of producing this film with Michael Crawford in the title role.

Will Warner Bros. listen to the fans?

-- Anonymous, April 21, 2001


Will Warner Bros. listen to the fans?

-- Anonymous, April 21, 2001

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