MovieStar 'Produce' error : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I capture my video in SVCD format. If I just burn it straight to disk, no problems, SVCD works great. If I take it into MovieStar editor and just clip a a few seconds off the front or back, hit 'Produce' and use the same template to output as I captured it, no problems. My problem happens when I take a video, (the same one that I have used in both scenarios described above, (saved original un-molested) and split it with the 'Split' button. Shave off a few seconds on the new clips.I then click on produce to put the movie back together. I then get the following error. "Unable to produce finished movie file:Error setting Mpeg Engine flag." Again, this is a movie thatI have made into a SVCD successfully when I have not used the Split command. Thanks for any help,


-- Bob Hazel (, April 21, 2001


PS: I have the newest updates for MovieStar and my Dazzle DVCII.

thanks again... -bob

-- Bob Hazel (, April 21, 2001.

The MovieStar still has bugs. You were experincing one of them. The solution is to edit your clips using other software. Mpeg2Vcr is the one you should try. Tmpgenc can also do the job.

Refer to the Dazzle discussion group you will find a lot more answers to Dazzle specific questions.

-- Shuo (, April 23, 2001.

Yes, I have run into that error message a number of times after hitting the 'Produce' button in Dazzle DVC II. The Movie Star software appearantly has some bugs in it. My solution is simple: Simply save your project, close Movie Star, restart your computer, then go back to what you were doing in Movie Star. This works all the time for me.


-- Mark Bellinger (, May 09, 2001.

I have run into that error message all the time after hitting the Produce. The Movie Star software has some bugs in it. The only solution is save your project, close movie Star, restart movie star This works all the time...

-- Robert Smith (, October 06, 2001.

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