Roommates : LUSENET : digital ink : One Thread

Got any roommate horror stories?

-- Anonymous, April 20, 2001


The first roommate I ever had was a hardcore Southern Baptist. Now, really, I have nothing against hardcore Southern Baptists, and she really was very nice, and our extremely conflicting views (I'm an atheist and in the University of Minnesota Atheists & Humanists, and she is in Campus Crusade for Christ) never got in the way....for the first semester. Second semester, she comes out and tells me I'm going to hell.....but she's praying for me. Oh yeah, and everything I do offends her. Exact quote, I swear. She proceeds to tell me, nearly every day, that I am still going to hell, but she is still praying for me. That got old quite rapidly.

She also attempted to convert my friend Steve, who is Jewish. Why? Does he, a devout Jew, have a big religious void that needs to be filled? I think not.

Anyway, she wasn't as bad as my next roommate. We even can talk in a friendly manner now.

My next roommate "sexiled" me constantly. And this wasn't just any old sex.....this was sex with her boyfriend, Fugly. They were both ugly as sin (pardon the expression), and really liked anal. Argh. I would strategically place things on my bed so that if they were moved, I could freak out. I slept at my place maybe.....20 times during one semester.

Oh, also, she was a very dirty person. She would change her used pads under her bed (she had a sheet over it so it was like a "cave".....that's what she called it), and throw them away IN THE ROOM. She also kept the heat on imagine the smell.

And speaking of smells, she, Fugly, and Fugly's roommate had this philosophy that they spelled out for me once: "you don't have to take a shower until you change your clothes." Which was NOT on a regular basis. Needless to say....peeeeeyew!

Now I have a single. Oh, the joy. :)

-- Anonymous, April 20, 2001

ohhhh, yeah. My ex-roommate (coincidentally at my ex-college) was a rich spoiled brat who had never heard of the Blues Brothers or Pink Floyd and thought that N'Sync are a talented band! She also needed a power strip near the mirror so she could plug her 2 hairdryers and 2 curling irons in at once. Nuff said? (Oh yeah, she said a total of about 10 words to me all semester and cheered in front of me when I told her I was moving out)

-- Anonymous, April 21, 2001

my old roomate was crazy. plain and simple. Her annoying boyfriend stayed here every night for 9 monthes ( I LOATHED him) and he ate all my food. they would get into horrendous fights and she would threaten to stab him with pencils and he would just cry. When i was really sick once i needed someone to pick up my medicine the doctor had prescribed and my car was out of gas, so i asked them too. I had to pay them 5 fucking dollars. to go pick up a prescription. when i was feeling better and asked for a ride to the gas station so i could put gas in my car he siad no, point blank and i wasn'toffereing any more money. the roomate had a car down here but was scared to drive it. at 20 years old she is not allowed to drive it back and forth between home. did i mention we were neighbors for 20 years? and her psychoticness about school was insane. she would hole herself up in her room for 9 hours a day studying and if anyone dared to call or knock on her door, there was hell to pay. she screwed around on that boyfriend so many times, right in front of his face. she'd get drunk and go up to guys and ask them if they would fuck her if she didn't have a boyfriend. the girl she is living with now, she messed around with her boyfriend and the girl never found out, and now she is getting married to the guy she makes cry. she only had him stay over so he could get up and drive her to class every morning at 8 am. did i mention he flunked out of 4 different schools? real winner still living on mommys money.

i could go on for days. sorry.

-- Anonymous, April 21, 2001

So you're pregnant, huh?

-- Anonymous, April 21, 2001

i just wanted to point out that, for those who may read the website, there are 2 sides to every story. katie's account of events is most likely biased, like my account of events would be the same. its human nature to put yourself in a slightly better position than what actually happened. everyone does it-whether they mean to or not. i'm not saying katie is lieing-those are probably the events from her point of view. and i'll admit-mine is rather dramatically different- but its just something i thought should be taken into account when reading this current entry.

-- Anonymous, April 21, 2001

I just wanted to make note to Katie's roommates.

It's obvious to the reader that Katie is being one-sided. You don't get kicked out of an apartment for . . . well, something that Katie makes seem like we should bend over backwards to help her out.

No offense Katie, but you do come across in your journal as needy for attention and sympathy and maybe your journal is a way of getting it. I just want you to know, you're doing a bad job of being subtle with it.

-- Anonymous, April 22, 2001

Crisis I: your pregnant. i'm sorry. learn from this and use birth control from now on. (i recommend ortho-trycyclen)

-- Anonymous, April 22, 2001

Hmm, roommate horror stories? Heh heh. Not really HORROR, but... annoyance. *laughs* This is going to be a small novel, sorry about that. ^_^;

1) He smokes. 2) He never closes the screen door when he leaves/comes home, only the wooden one, leaves the screen door to flap in the wind. 3) Leaves the window open wide enough for the cat to get out (she isn't our cat, we're cat-sitting, and she is a house cat and declawed and shouldn't be outside). 4) Has... bad aim. In the bathroom, you know... Heheh, yuck. 5) Um, there's no point in cleaning anything, because within 2 days the place is littered with fry containers. 6) He throws toilet paper in the bathroom garbage when he blows his nose. Doesn't he know it's flushable? 7) He never cooks, he just eats out every day, then gets mad when he has no money. 8) Uses my glasses and doesn't wash them. 9) Ok, how can I explain this... Every time gets takeout, if my boyfriend and I are in the livingroom, he puts the food on the couch beside us, then goes into his room for a while, and comes back out to get the food. I just want to say, "Okaaay, WHY didn't you bring it into your room in the first place?" It's as though his primitive instincts are shining through and he wants to show us what a good hunter he is. "Ooga booga, today me caught PIZZA!" 10) He shaves over the toilet and leaves hair all over the seat. 11) He has this coffee cup, in which he makes instant (yuck) coffee, but he never washes it and there's about a millimetre of buildup on the cup. It looks like if he were to add just water to it, he'd get coffee anyway. Even the outside is sticky, I don't like having to move it. 12) Has a friend stay over on our couch three days a week. 13) Wipes toothpaste on my towel. 14) Cannot turn off any faucet correctly. They drip constantly. 15) Cannot completely turn the shower off... whenever I turn the bathtub faucet on, it hits me on the head because his attempts were unsuccessful. 16) When he offers to buy the margarine, he buys the crappy stuff. 17) Leaves pizza boxes in the kitchen in a pile. 18) Watches nothing but wrestling and goes "EEEEEE!!!" at the exciting parts. 19) See 18, and add "until 6 am." 20) When he finishes a toilet paper roll, he leaves it where it is instead of moving it the two feet to the garbage can.

Um, I'll stop now. *Everyone: FINALLY!* Me: :( *runs*


-- Anonymous, April 22, 2001

Oh lord.

1. In anything like a journal, things are going to be one-sided. That's just how it is (see #2).

2. Like I said -- things were tense in the apartment for reasons I never understood, but not to the extent that I thought I would be kicked out. And I'm sorry, but people find out on Friday about something, totally flip out, and the next day they tell me I have to be out in two weeks? That's not a coincidence. That's how I see things. I can't help it. This is a journal, not English class. In the former, things are written from your point of view. In the latter, at least with certain things, you're supposed to see things from all points of view. Unfortunately at this time I'm unable to put myself in my former roommate's position, just as they cannot put theirselves in mine.

3. Writing about something doesn't mean you want pity. It means, hey, this is going on in my life, and I'm going to talk about it. When Pamie went through her cancer scare, did she want pity? When she broke up with Eric, did she want pity? Nobody accused her of that, because she was just writing about what was going on in her life. And so am I.

Besides, I don't want the pity of people I don't even know. I definitely don't want the pity of people I do know, as I told Treva, who then accused me of wanting to be a martyr. Like I said, I'm through trying to prove myself to anybody. There's always going to be somebody calling me something that I'm not. So... whatever.

-- Anonymous, April 22, 2001

lol. Funny how we all jump to the same conclusion. The first thing I thought when I read the entry was also 'Katie's pregnant'. Bet we're all wrong now too. Mind you you haven't jumped to deny it I notice...

Roommate horror stories?? None of my own - I've never shared a room in my life thank God! but my good friend Lee shares one; with a fellow medical student called Julian. It makes me laugh because when our university allocates shared rooms they send out a long questionnaire about your habits and working/sleeping times etc. to try and pair you up with someone similar. Lee is a total atheist who can't finish a sentence without swearing, never works past 9.00 at night, drinks tons and has sex whenever and wherever humanly possible. Julian is a committed Christian who stays up to work until 4am, doesn't drink and has never kissed a girl. lol. Mix-up much?

-- Anonymous, April 22, 2001

I'm neither confirming nor denying any speculation.

-- Anonymous, April 22, 2001

Call me a decent human being or whatever, but. .

Have you all forgotten that Katie is a real person, with real feelings? She's not a fucking cartoon character. Her life is REAL. She EXISTS. Maybe you needed reminding of that little fact.

To the people who think it's fair to speculate about Katie's issues in her public forum, I think you're wrong. She blatantly told her readership she didn't want to discuss the issue, save for what little bit she needed to tell in order to get us up to par with the Great Roomie KickOut of 2001. Have you no respect for that?

For those of you insensitive enough to suggest that Katie use birth control next time (on top of your inappropriate speculation), how in hell do you know she didn't use birth control? What if she was using it, and it failed? It happens, you know. Condoms break, the pill is fallible.

All I'm sayin' is that just because this forum exists and you can read about Katie's life, that gives you no right to be nasty to her or to ASSUME that you know everything that's going on. It's up to Katie to decide what she wants to be private, and you all, as her readership, have a responsibility to respect that.

I'm bettin' she got a tattoo.

-- Anonymous, April 22, 2001 was just pointed out to me, that on your weblog, you posted a comparison between a couple of people. why did you have to pull my brother into it? just because you don't understand him doesn't mean you have to be snotty about it. and he has nothing to do with the roomate situation at all. and, i'm sorry, i don't mean to sound rude- but he is my brother, and as such, i love him dearly, and will protect him dearly. Oh, and one other thing, treva wasn't stalking you all when she was sitting at the gas station. she hurt her hand on something and couldn't drive any further. we had to pick her up. *shrugs* just thought you'd like to know. i'm sorry if you find this offensive-i really don't mean it to be-just protecting my brother.

-- Anonymous, April 22, 2001

There is a little thing called e-mail, where questions of the above nature may be directed.

-- Anonymous, April 22, 2001

my roommate is a horror story. jesus. woman WON'T clean anything unless you ask her twice. this person will leave trash next to a FULL trash can. just leave there. has never taken out the trash mind you. there is food pulverized into our carpet. there's food everywhere, opened and unopened. her idea of getting up is setting her alarm for 9:30, leaping across her bed to turn it off, hitting the snooze button, and repeating until 11. or if i'm lucky she wakes up to play Baldur's Gate next to my head. her hair is down to her ass and she never cleans out the shower drain after she takes a shower. imagine what that looks like. lets just say i don't shower there any more. she kicks up my tv cable from under the tape (the cable jack is under her bed so i had to tape the cable line to the floor so we won't kill ourselves) the shuts the damn thing in the door. mind you i know i'm not perfect but hell i try to at least (well i use to try - i don't care any more) to keep our space (we live in a suite in CNU) nice and tidy...but i just want to smack her upside her head. is that so wrong?! sheesh!

-- Anonymous, April 22, 2001

Christine this is directed straight at you and also Treva, youtwo are the most disgustign people I have ever heard from. Your comments to Katie were revolting and if it was me I would of kicked your ass. I sware you have no class and no tact and no education to say the things you said to Katie. I hope you at least have the class and dignity to now leave her alone as she wishes it to be. Get a life and stop harassing her. It seems to me you need you need to take a crash course in friendship 101 since you know nothing about being nice and understanding wich is the basic qualities of friendship. For christ sake its the basic qualities you give out to any human being on the sidewalk you would think that living with her you would have a little heart and not wimp act like such a bitch. Enough said people Katie has a right to keep some things private and I think all of you should accept that and quit asking.

-- Anonymous, April 22, 2001

Bridgette, has it ever occured to you that Katie and Eric have been just as wrong in this whole situation? As long as people keep trading these shots back and forth it will never get settled. So if you really cared about Katie you would not try to cause more tension and hatred in her life.

-- Anonymous, April 23, 2001

the thing is that I know the whole story Katie told me all about it so I am in good position to judge and in this particular situation I think Katie is 100% right, Katie will be the first to tell you that when I think she is wrong about something I tell it straight to her face I do not hide behind a imood to tell people what I think whe they are sitting right next to me I am a direct brutally honest person and Katie knows this but this time she is so right. People leave her alone she does not need this right now.

-- Anonymous, April 23, 2001

Bridget... stop trying to start shit, your making yourself sound like a real bitch just looking to piss off people. Christine and Treva are good friends of mine and I really think your comments are rather shitty. I was pretty close to the situation when the shit hit, I know one "version" of the story, my personal perspective is that things simply did not work out, some things were not handled properly on several ends and people should just move on with their lives and leave EVERYONE alone... Like I said, I know one perspective of the story, I haven't heard Katie's side, so it would be unfair to make a judgment call on who's "right" and who's "wrong". Since I know you don't know the former roommate's side of the story, I think it's stupid to insult them. I know there are some loose ends that need to be taken care of between Katie and the former roommates, I wish them luck in getting them resolved as quickly and as maturely as possible so everyone can put this shit behind them and continue with their lives.

Just my humble opinion...

-- Anonymous, April 23, 2001

I'd just like to re-post here part of another post of mine in another topic, that has been sort of proven in this one.

"I'm surprised Treva hasn't butted in on the boards yet... but I guess that would require Miss Holier-Than-Thou to descend from on high and mingle with the commoners. That and apparently she can't stick up for herself so she has to have one of the other roommates do it for her. Real mature."

-- Anonymous, April 23, 2001

Everything above is why I'm never going to live with anyone ever again. I go home to get away from the soap operas that people have chosen to live in. This he-said she-said melodrama is fun to read but I don't understand why people would want to live it 24 hours a day.

-- Anonymous, April 23, 2001

OK I'll post a couple of stories about my last roommate from college over fifteen years ago. He somehow got a girlfriend and for a month he spent almost every second over at her place. As a result, he refused to pay his part of the rent and utilities that month because, afterall, he wasn't there that month so why should he pay for something he didn't use? I would have thrown out all of his stuff but he didn't own anything.

I told him to pay up or move out. He did pay up which was a wise move -- his girlfriend dumped him days later. After that I felt like maybe HE should be paying most of the rent since he hardly left the place for a month. He never went to class any more and spent all of his time laying on the couch eating Fruit Loops straight from the box and sleeping in his room.

As the school year was coming to a close and we were preparing to go our separate ways, he was constantly asking me about getting his share of the security deposit. The landlord was going to mail it to me and he was convinced that I would cheat him out of his share, because that's what bad people like me do. This became pointless in the end because one day he just disappeared leaving what the landlord described in writing as "an unbelieveable mess." Now I could have cleaned the whole place up myself and maybe rightfully keep all of the cash. Instead I said the hell with it and let them keep our money. We got something like six dollars back of our deposit which I cheerfully mailed half of to my ex-room mate. He cashed the check too.

It's a lot more fun to talk about these things fifteen years after they happened.

-- Anonymous, April 23, 2001

You know... I've decided to I've had it with all this Treva bashing... You all only know Katie's side of the story... I mean, grow up already... As I've stated before, I'm good friends of both Treva and Christine, however I also know Katie and I'm really trying not to take sides. I really think you guys should stop trying to play this macho-ass, lets play mind games with people bullshit. I mean, if Treva were to reply to these written assaults, someone else would simply turn around and accuse her of being immature for responding... It's a catch-22 and quite frankly it's a rather pathetic attempt at an attack on someone most of you don't even know.

-- Anonymous, April 23, 2001

All we are saaaaaaaaaying, is give peace a chance.

-- Anonymous, April 23, 2001

I'm sorry, did somebody say "mind games"? Who's playing mind games here? WE weren't the ones who brought Katie down to Virginia and then told her for months that we were her only friends, that Eric didn't care about her, and then kicked her out when we knew damn well she needed us more than ever.

-- Anonymous, April 23, 2001

Your also not the ones who tried to help her and then got stabbed in the back by her.

-- Anonymous, April 23, 2001

Oh, really? Why don't you enlighten us? Because somehow I don't see her being kicked out as HER stabbing ANYONE in the back.

People keep talking about how we're only seeing one side. Well, why don't you stop reminding us of that fact and give us your side, if you care so much?

-- Anonymous, April 23, 2001

Wow, people are getting bitchy on this thing! :-) Look, everyone is going to have a different version of the story. Let me say this; I don't believe Katie's being asked to leave was the culmination of a couple of days events. Rather, things have been leading up to this for a while. Maybe it all comes down to personality differences. Vicki and Christine tried to be Katie's friends, but Katie isn't the sort of person to open up like that, so she rejected them. Issues with dishes, cleaning, food, money owed, and snooping through people's personal affects probably also played a part. The point is, it happened, and most of the people who are upset about it don't know enough about it to make an intelligent judgement about it.

-- Anonymous, April 23, 2001

amen. the archangel is correct -- we don't know the whole story. we only really know katie's side of it, and we don't know what went on in that apartment on a day to day basis, so who are we to be name- calling and judging? it is *hard* to live with people, folks. very hard. i certainly haven't had to deal with "roomate horror stories", but it's difficult to share close quarters with anyone. i sort of knew there were tensions in that house before, i can recall a thread in which treva hinted that things were not perfect in the apartment.

anyway, you people need to calm the hell down.

-- Anonymous, April 23, 2001

Katie already said that things had been tense for awhile, so we know. But she's right, the timing was disgusting.

-- Anonymous, April 23, 2001

katie...any comments? want to try a little self defense in this forum?

-- Anonymous, April 23, 2001

jesus christ, leave her the hell alone. everyone here is MUCH too into the online journal thing; what's worse is the seriousness with which posters seems to take themselves.

only the first couple dozen vehement opinions on the subjet were funny to laugh at. as far as i'm concerned, closing these pointless threads is no longer knee-jerk censorship; it's a necessary action.

go back to the zoo and shut the fuck up, you dumb animals.

-- Anonymous, April 23, 2001

Jesus.. Why do you people read her journal and then attack her? That's bullshit. She's obviously having a bad time and she doesn't need abunch of people she doesn't know ridiculing her about her problems that you all seem to know what they are without her even saying anything.

And like Katie said, of COURSE this is going to be one-sided, it's her journal.. HER journal. If you are so against what she has to say and how she says it, just don't fucking read it. I've never seen anyone so involved in someone elses life as the people who read this journal. It's ridiculous.

-- Anonymous, April 23, 2001

listen, if you don't want anyone critisizing how you live your life, or speculating on anything in your life, don't post in a public forum. by having a journal, we leave ourselves open to this kind of bullshit. suck it up, and deal with it.

-- Anonymous, April 23, 2001

now listen up John, I do not give a shit if you think I am a bitch, I am being Katie's friend wich is soemthing her former roomates know nothing about I do not care if you think I am wrong because I also know the whole story and I am pretty sure that when the roomates told you thier side they left out some of the disgusting stuff they said to Katie. By posting on here and bashing Katie Christine made herself a target for comments both negative and positive. As for coming off as a bitch well so be it I don't have a problem with it because frankly your opinion of me is of no importantce in my life. I still maintain that both Christine and Treva were total bitches about the whole thing. If the issue was really dishes and cleaning up that is not grounds to kick somebody out like that especially when you have been feeding her all this bullshit about how they were her true friends and they were the ones to care about her the most, seems like a two faced trash to me to do that to somebody no matter what the situation is. You can say anythin you want to me but they had no business saying stuff like that to her. I mean with friends like that who needs ennemies.

-- Anonymous, April 23, 2001

Well. If one forum were to represent the sheer number of idiots in this world, this would be a good one to start with.

-- Anonymous, April 23, 2001

Okay people... time to put this issue to bed. It's obvious that everyone has different opinions on whether they deserve to know every second of Katie's life... let's get on with our lives now.

-- Anonymous, April 23, 2001

Some of you make valid points. The rest of you are pathetic, but make me laugh hysterically. I don't even give a shit about what Katie's BIG SECRET is, or the circumstances surrounding the fact that she got kicked out. Just watching you guys argue about it is entertainment enough for me.

-- Anonymous, April 23, 2001

note to Katie - have you ever been to New Bern? my grandfather lives there...if you don't mind living in a city where the mean age is 63 and dig revolutionary/civil war era history, its a nice place. =) sorry the interview didn't work out for ya.

-- Anonymous, April 24, 2001

I just think it's strange that people keep bitching about how we're only hearing one side, Katie's, but nobody else will tell us THEIR side. Either tell us your side or shut up about it.

-- Anonymous, April 24, 2001

Yo Bridgette,

You have a right to your opinion, I have a right to my own... I totally disagree with your uninformed opinion about my two friends being bitches, but hey, you have a right to that opinion... but I will stick up for them...

Ms. Copeland had a good idea bout ending this discussion because tempers seem to be running extremely high on a topic which most of us don't have all the information on... And just to be fair, I've always said that I heard one of the story, I've never heard Katie's side and I've not once said anything bad bout Katie, nor will I, in reference to the moving out situation... However I will continue to defend my friends from attacks...

And Bridgette, please go back and actually READ my first comment, I didn't call you a bitch, I simply stated that trying to start shit is an act of a bitch... But if you read it differently, then i guess there's nothing I can do bout it...

Peace y'all...

-- Anonymous, April 25, 2001

Okay, everybody calm down and return to your respective corners.

-- Anonymous, April 26, 2001

Yo Jon, if you read my comments you will now learn how to spell my name correctly.

-- Anonymous, April 28, 2001

but brig... based on past experience, the sensitive nature of forum posters may find the correct spelling of your name, w-h-i-n-e-y-b-i-t- c-h, to be rather offensive.

-- Anonymous, April 29, 2001

I love Katie no matter what! :o)

Now everyone shut the hell up.


-- Anonymous, April 30, 2001

Eh, lets see if I can get this back on topic, shall we?

Roommate horror story: ex-roommate was a frat girl. No, you heard me right: frat girl -- the kind that goes to frat parties to get as drunk as she can before getting laid as many times as she can. Yup. I woke up at 3:30 in the morning to get something to drink, and what do I see? Her, on the floor in some Kama Sutra-ish position with this really ugly, scuzzy looking guy. Fun stuff. Best of all, we'd only been rooming together for two days when this happened.

After the bitch-out session that followed, she always called before she brought a guy over: demanding that I get out because she was having this guy over. Once, since I was at the same party, she just told me not to come home, so I drove over to my friend's dorm because basically, I couldn't go back to my own room.

This went on for a month, until one night I went over to my friend Anne's room for the night. When I came back the next morning, the RA was in my room, tearing my things apart. You see, someone (I have no idea who!!!) liked to move my computer equiptment around and play with all of my things -- TV, Stereo, webcam. Apparently, this person played with the wrong thing and ended up somehow sending pics of my roommate and some guy across the internet to a frat at a near by college.

My now ex-roommate took me to court for non-verbal harassment, reckless endangerment, and tried to sue for an ungodly amount. The campus, local, and state police were all called in to investigate. I was served civil court papers, since there was no evidence for criminal prosecution. A month and a half into the proceedings, the case was remanded to the University, where I was forced to do 6 hours of community service, write letters of apology to her family, my roommate, her friends, and everyone else named in the suit who was hurt, and publish a letter of apology in the school paper.

The good thing that came from all of this was that I got a new roommate, one who decided that sleeping with a guy meant sleeping in his room. She was awesome. I miss her.

Long story short: I'm now attending school 4,000 miles away from my scary first roommate and that college. *shivers*.

-- Anonymous, May 06, 2001

Wow, this is like a cheesy soap opera.

Roomate story: I spent a few weeks in a Munich Youth Hostel with some girls who, geez, spent all night talking about make-up and boys and "doing it" ugh, the whole time I'm thinking, wouldn't sleep be great, and why are we referring to things in third person? I wish people would grow up.

-- Anonymous, May 06, 2001

Oh, let's see. My first roommate was pretty cool at first. I lived with her for two years. In the beginning it was great. She was a total stoner and thus was very mellow and never got upset about anything. She spent every weekend at her boyfriend's place. I knew she had suffered from an eating disorder at some point, but she seemed ok until near the end of our time rooming together. She started exercising compulsively. If she wasn't in our room, she was running laps at the fieldhouse. If she was in our room, she was doing situps. That's all she did. Situps for hours and hours. If someone came over she'd make me go downstairs and let them in while she finished her set. If I was eating something, she'd leave the room. I took to leaving my closet door open so as to block my view of her doing situps on the floor.

My current roommates are both total headcases. The girl is an obnoxious wannabe goth who has two forms of interaction with people: 1) telling them how great she is, or 2) hiding in her room and skulking around and not talking to anyone for weeks. If you try to invite her to do something she bursts into tears. I wrote a journal entry about her here that sums her up in a little bit more detail.

My other roommate is a gay guy who has informed most of my male friends that he thinks they're hot and that he knows he could turn them. He's always leering at them and making suggestive comments on their livejournals. Did I mention that he's a big chubby nerdy guy? He makes my friends so uncomfortable that they won't come over anymore. Including the girls.

Bleh to roommates!

-- Anonymous, May 10, 2001

I have two roommate horror stories.

1. Ramai, the Southern Baptist who knew me for 2 minutes before telling me that Catholics were evil and wrong. Ate nothing but burritos which smelled worse than anything imaginable.

2. Sheniqua. Had sex while people were in the room. Stole from me. Left condom wrappers on the floor. Had 4 abortions. Got pregnant by Shiz during the time we lived together, and had abortion #5. Shiz dealt drugs from our room. Shiz got arrested and called collect from jail. Stopped going to class after 2 weeks of school. Did not shower. Watched BET 24 hours a day. There's more but those are the highlights.

-- Anonymous, May 13, 2001

nive to hear them

-- Anonymous, June 16, 2001

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