EZBOARD - Will be down Apr 24, from 0900 PST to 1800 PST

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

(4/20/01 3:16:19 pm)

April 24th - New CO-LOCATION facility

On April 24th, starting at about 9 AM (PST), in an effort to continue providing top notch service, ezboard.com will be moving all of its servers and networking equipment to a more reliable and faster colocation service provider. We just signed a two year contract with XUMA network services to ensure we continue to provide reliable service as we continue to grow and expand our services.

The new facility will allow us to burst up to 1000 MB, instead of just 100 MB as we have now. This should provide faster speeds as well more reliable and redundant service. The new service provide will also provide a secondary layer of 24/7 monitoring and support.

The outage is expected to last until 6 PM (PST). We will be physically moving over 100 servers to the new location. Most areas of the country will be able to see the new servers as soon as we turn them back on, but some areas will not see the new servers until the DNS records have been updated. Unfortunately, this is how DNS works and there is nothing we can do to accelerate the changes. The good news is that the servers will come up back up with ezboard version 6.1 which has some new features:

who's online

membership by approval (CSC only)

top search engine placement (CSC only)

individual backup system (CSC only)

More information about each feature will be included with the 6.1 release notes (to be presented later). We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

-the ezboard team

Edited by: ezboard at: 4/20/01 3:24:38 pm

-- Anonymous, April 20, 2001


Note the new feature "who's online." You will no longer be able to lurk anonymously! (Unless you have more than one registration and log in under your alternative handle, that is. . .)

-- Anonymous, April 20, 2001

well, if you haven't posted, you should be able to lurk and only show as an anonymous viewer or something.

It can only tell if you are there by the cookies.

I wonder if it will show all 150 of my handles when I show up? LOL

-- Anonymous, April 21, 2001

I wouldn't know about that. . .

-- Anonymous, April 21, 2001

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