HILLARY - To speak on "Empowerment, Security and Opportunity Through Law and Justice" (Snort!)greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
US NewsWashington Whispers
Hillary Clinton, legal eagle
Hillary Rodham Clinton is more than a senator from New York: she's an experienced lawyer, a first lady who weighed in on judicial picks, and the wife of a fella who was Arkansas's attorney general but who is losing his law license for lying. So who better than Mrs. Clinton to give advice on the judiciary? She's one of several Washington legal stars invited to St. Petersburg, Russia, this July to a World Bank conference titled "Empowerment, Security and Opportunity Through Law and Justice." She won't be the only U.S. big if World Bank President James Wolfensohn, a Clinton pal, gets his way. We hear he's also invited a couple of U.S. Supreme Court justices to speak on the legal issues of a country many U.S. government officials fear is reverting to communism.
-- Anonymous, April 20, 2001
Well, speaking of speeches, I haven't heard anything about Bill getting any more extraordinarily lucrative speaking engagements, which means, I hope, that there haven't been any.
-- Anonymous, April 21, 2001
Last we heard, he was hanging out in a Chappaqua bar, drinking nonalcoholic beer. I did read he was due to speak at the Hay Festival in Wales and at some German function.
-- Anonymous, April 21, 2001