SL latex paint leftover : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Leftover Latex

Leftover latex paint is a common item in basements and garages everywhere. We usually save it for touch-ups or possibly another job someday. Leftover paint can last for years if stored properly. Clean the rim, seal tightly and store upside down. Eventually the basement gets cleaned out and paint disposal becomes an issue. Leftover paint is almost always usable, so consider swapping it or giving it to a school or charitable organization. As a last resort throw it out -- responsibly. In almost all states latex paint in considered non-hazardous so it can go out with the trash after it has been dried. Pour old latex paint into a bag or box and add sawdust or cat litter to facilitate drying. The steel can is now recycleable. For further information go to the Paint & Coatings Industry Information Center's Web site.

Click here for the Paint & Coatings Industry Information Center's Web site

- Stephen Corwin

-- Anonymous, April 20, 2001

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