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Learn The LingoIf you sign up for any mailing lists, discussion groups, chat rooms, or other online forums, take the time to learn the lingo and etiquette. Lots of list members are "lurkers" -- they read the posts but don't post anything themselves, usually because they don't feel qualified, or they're too shy, or their interest isn't deep. It's usually customary for first-time posters to tell a little about themselves and their interests. That's a good time to ask other list members about the ground rules, like what's "on topic" and what isn't, what's considered funny and acceptable and what's out of bounds, and which members are friendly and which carry flamethrowers. As with any conversation, there are rules for participating. The people who share your interests would love to hear from you. Don't be shy -- jump in there!
- Dennis Ryan
-- Anonymous, April 20, 2001