Skywatchers: Lyrid Meteor Shower this : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
Sunday morn is prime time to see (or hear) shooting stars in the sky
[Excerpts from the article:]
April 19 — Before dawn on Sunday, early risers just might be able to catch the peak of the first meteor shower of the 2001 observing season: the Lyrids.
"THIS IS A good year for the Lyrids because the moon will be almost new when the shower peaks," says George Lebo, an astronomy professor at the University of Florida and summer faculty fellow at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center. "Barring urban light pollution, the skies should be plenty dark."
The best time to watch, no matter where you live, will be during the hours before dawn on Sunday between about 2 a.m. and 5 a.m. local time. Simply go outside and look up, generally toward the north. Skywatchers in rural areas should spot a shooting star every few minutes.
Here are some suggestions for getting the most from any meteor shower:
Get out of town: Find a place as far away as possible from city lights and obstructions.
Stay up late: The meteor count usually picks up after midnight local time, when Earth starts turning into the trail of meteoric debris.
Get comfortable: Bring a lounge chair and keep warm. Give your eyes time to adjust to the dark.
Keep your eyes open: Although meteors appear to originate from a particular point, they can show up anywhere in the sky.
*** Don't forget to make a wish...
-- Rich (, April 20, 2001