POL - Lieberman gets cool reception in Hollywood

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Last updated: Friday, April 20, 2001


IF "Holy Joe" Lieberman thought he could win Hollywood over to his decency-in-pictures crusade this week, he must have come home disappointed. The Democratic senator from Connecticut, who is testing the waters for a presidential run in 2004, got a very cool reception from industry leaders when he swept through L.A.

It didn't help that I publicized here the breakfast meeting Lieberman was to have with Jack Valenti and Motion Picture Association of America members at the Peninsula. According to the L.A. Times, studio execs were furious that their confab was no longer secret. So they switched it at the last moment to the Beverly Wilshire.

Whatever, I think the best advice Lieberman got on his West Coast swing was from Hollywood's grand old man, Lew Wasserman. Lew gently reminded the self-styled reformer that the guns used in recent school shootings were not found in movie theaters, but in homes.

-- Anonymous, April 20, 2001

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