The Virgin Mary was a Marlboro : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
Holy Smoke!
The Virgin Mary was a Marlboro woman--and other outrageous tactics Big Tobacco uses to sell cigarettes abroad.
by Mat Honan
July 21, 1998
Joe Camel, America's favorite phallic dromedary, may be counting coffin nails in the advertising graveyard, but that doesn't mean that Big Tobacco has quit using questionable tactics to lure new, and mostly young, smokers. While the United States government cracks down on Big Tobacco's marketing tactics, tobacco companies have already begun to focus their considerable marketing know-how abroad, where restrictions are more relaxed, nicotine is just as addictive, and the U.S. government is happy to turn a blindeye.
Although they have been restrained from marketing directly to children in the United States (largely through industry self-regulation), U.S. companies aren't required to follow U.S. regulations when they operate abroad. The result: Joe C. may have raised eyebrows in the United States, but he seems almost innocent in comparison with some of the tobacco industry's marketing methods in other countries.
Marketing materials obtained by the MoJo Wire from INFACT and The Center for Communications, Health and the Environment show that tobacco companies have no qualms about pushing their cancerous product on the international youth market.
"How can we say that tobacco is not okay for our children and then say it is okay for children in other countries," said Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on the need for global standards. No such standards or laws are in place. So, for the time being, the ads and marketing practices pictured below are not likely to cease.
Hong Kong and Cambodian ads courtesy of INFACT, originally published in Global Aggression: The Case for World Standards and Bold US Action Challenging Philip Morris and RJR Nabisco. Philippines ad courtesy of The Center for Communications Health and the Environment.
Do you think U.S. companies should be required to follow U.S. laws when they are operating abroad? Discuss it.
E-mail the Editors Holy Smoke!
The Virgin Mary was a Marlboro womanand other outrageous tactics Big Tobacco uses to sell cigarettes abroad.
Toxic Toys R Us
Internal memos show how the Commerce Department helped U.S. companies crush a European ban on toxic baby toys.
Missionaries of Trade
A deceptive ad, using a misleading quote from the Dalai Lama, leads to a murky organization pushing a sketchy agenda.
Send us your suggestions for funny, ironic, or just plain bizarre Sideshows!
-- Cherri (, April 19, 2001
Cherri, I understand the concerns over young people and smoking but, here is another instance where I don't think we should be policing what goes on in other countries or trying to globalize standards we have here. I don't care that it is american businesses doing this. Let the countries involved make their own regulations.......
-- Marg (, April 19, 2001.
Joe was phallic? Must be the nose. Not symbolic to us boys.
-- Carlos (, April 19, 2001.
Carlos, that's because you get a different view then females do.
-- Cherri (, April 19, 2001.