SL tip Phone offers driving you crazy? : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Phone Offers Driving You Crazy? Use good judgment and don't become a phone victim. In fact, you can find out if offers are legitimate by calling the National Fraud Information Center toll-free at 1-800-876-7060 from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. EST. It provides referral services, information and help for filing complaints (in English and Spanish

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2001


I don't care if they are legitimate. I hang up on all of them. I REALLY resent their intrusion into my home and privacy. So much so that I keep my phone unplugged most of the time. They are especially irritating when they call at 8am or dinner time or 9pm when we are already in bed. I think they should be outlawed. I realize these poor souls at the other end are trying to make a living, but they better find another way of doing it. I think anyone who buys from a telemarketer has to be a brick short of a load anyway. Taz

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2001

I just say I'm broke, works everytime. It is amazing how quick they hang up. They also take you of their lists.

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2001

Taz, I am like you, I HATE when they call, and they don't always take no for an answer...I am like you, and don't answer, just play back the answer machine!

Shade, does that really work??????

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2001

Life was a lot easier before my parents moved in. I could be as abusive as I wanted, or not, didn't matter, at least to me.

Took me a year to convince Mom that someone who called asking for "Mrs. Brooks" had no idea who I was and just wanted my money and no way should she give them any information or encouragement whatsoever.

Since Mom really has control over the phone (it's right next to her so she always gets to it first) and is extremely deaf, it has gotten to the point where she hangs up on almost anyone, including my friends.

Not that I get too many phone calls at home anymore anyway. Most of my friends understand and accept that if they want to reach me, they e-mail me or call me at work.

The real hardship is that when these lowlifes call, one of my parents is probably within earshot, and I don't feel free to cut off the caller in quite the manner I used to enjoy.

-- Anonymous, April 20, 2001

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