I'm a grandmother.... of sorts

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Hey All,

The underweight Belgian Malinois that I rescued and brought home instead of a life/death at the pound. Well, upon feeing her she started to gain weight, and more in her belly than other places.

I had started wondering, hoping not... you know how it goes. I have a zoo already, with two dogs, two cats, and two fish tanks.

So far tonight, I have an additional three puppies to add to the mix! They are SO cute.

*beaming with pride*


-- Anonymous, April 19, 2001


We want PICTURES!!!!!!

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2001

Congrats... hope they were born in a convenient place, like somewhere besides the middle of your bed :)

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2001

I frequently send my father pictures of his grandkitties. Yes, we'd like to see your grandpuppies.

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2001

No wonder she was so cute, it was that special glow!

I grew up with neutered cats. It didn't occur to me when I picked up my current two lovelies at the pound that they might not be solo's. It was almost with relief that Ginger went into heat. (Not that I ever want a repeat of that raging feline hormone lurking my home again.)

Have you had any sleep? What's the current count? Who is she claiming is the dad?

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2001


She had most of the puppies under a twin bed in my sewing room. She started throwing my stash out from under that bed. What she didn't throw out, I'll have to.

I stayed up until 2:30 this morning. She had had 6 puppies, and was tending to them well. It had been about 45 minutes since she had had one, and wasn't showing signs of having another, so I went to bed.

This morning when I checked in on her and the little darlings, I counted 9. They are so cute. When she'll let me get them out from under the bed for a while, I'll snap a few pictures. I can get them out a couple at a time, but when I go to get more, she moves em back under there.

Hard to tell who/what the father was. Three of them sort of look like they are Rotts. I'll just have to wait until they're a bit bigger to know for sure.

Mom and puppies are resting now. I'm about to go and get some free firewood. Gotta cut and haul it tis all. Not sure if I feel up to it, but I can't turn it down.

Have a great day everyone,

Grandma Sheeps

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2001

"She had most of the puppies under a twin bed in my sewing room. She started throwing my stash out from under that bed. What she didn't throw out, I'll have to."

Coulda been worse. My bro's sheltie had her litter of four puppies IN his bed, under the covers. During a dinner party my parents were throwing downstairs. We didn't even know she was pregnant until they started popping.

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2001

NINE? Aw, mah gawd! I still remember when my family dog had six--two weeks before I had my son, 36 years ago. There was a bit of a misunderstanding between me an' Mother Nature and I went into a fast labor and had the child at my mother's house before they could even think about getting me to the hospital. People would come to visit me and the baby and end up playing with the puppies! That's a b-i-g handful, Sheeps. Check out drsfostersmith.com for puppy pens. . .

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2001

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