Future of Excite and VP

greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

I sent the following out by email earlier today ... please excuse me if you've seen this note before, but some people didn't get the email. Be SURE to pass this along! ----

Folks, there was an Excite press release issued on April 17.


======================== http://www.corporate-ir.net/ireye/ir_site.zhtml?ticker=ATHM&script=411&layout=0&item_id=166803

Partial quote: "In light of this weaker financial outlook, Excite@Home is taking several immediate measures to conserve cash and raise additional funds to continue its leadership in broadband services. These measures include:

* Continued efforts to focus the company's strategy and resources around its broadband franchise through the potential sale or restructuring of its media operations not directly supporting the company's broadband strategy."

============ What does this mean for Excite VP? Hard to say for certain, but if @Home does not feel that the "media service" provided by chat/community does not directly support their broadband customers, then it will be eliminated.

Excite community staff are pretty sure @home will eliminate Excite's content offerings, including chat. This from an inside source today, April 18. Bear in mind that the fiscal quarter earnings/losses are to be reported on Monday, April 23. This means any decisions about the future of chat will probably occur on Friday or Saturday - just before they release their fiscal statements.

Does anyone have a strong suggestion as to where we should/can move the Exile group, for chat? Please post either here, or to the Community Zero boards!

We've all be in this pot so long, it would be a shame to lose it, but we may be able to continue using another chat service.

Think fast, though. We may only have a few days!

Hoping it ain't so ... --Editrix

-- editrix (editrix@windhaven.com), April 18, 2001

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