What The Hell Happened??!!greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
I woke up this morning and it was friggin' 38 degrees with the windchill in the damned 20's??!! I know I fell asleep last night in Florida......It's baseball season for Christ's sake!!!
Hello??? Mother Nature?? Can we get it right please??
-- Deano (deano@luvthebeach.com), April 18, 2001
I turned the heat down in Hell. This is your sentence for having sex with 12 year old boys.
-- (god@in.heaven), April 18, 2001.
Same here, Deano. Last week it was 86, today they say we'll be lucky to hit 56. Spring time in the south, if you don't like the weather, just wait five minutes.
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (tarzan@swingingthroughthejunglewithouta.net), April 18, 2001.
Global warming?
-- Cherri (jessam5@home.com), April 18, 2001.
Global warming?ROFLMAO!
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here Not@ever.com), April 18, 2001.
Deano, we had the cold last couple of days. Today it will be 80. Be patient, it will warm up soon.
-- Maria (anon@ymous.com), April 18, 2001.
TarActually, it's beautiful outside, just chilly now. Should get up to 65 later. Wind out of the NW has a bit of a bite to it though.....
To the pervert
You seem to have this fascination about sex with children. Sad and disgusting at the same time.......typical lonely pervert.
-- Deano (deano@luvthebeach.com), April 18, 2001.
It's a Y2K problem. You pollies are going to freeze to death.
-- (vindicated@doom.er), April 18, 2001.
Talking of things perverted and Springlike,this year the daffodils have all turned their faces to the hedge .Oh what a portent!Nature wreaking revenge on poor mortals.
-- Chris (enquiries@griffenmill.com), April 18, 2001.
You can fault one or multiple causes, but the bottom line is that the weather is screwy all over the US this spring. To wit: in Columbus, Ohio we had snow yesterday, which just isn't common for the middle of April, but it's not unheard of, just rare.Deano, I can almost promise you that by the time the Cubs begin their most serious home game fuck ups, you'll be turning on your AC and wishing for a break in the heat from laughing so hard.
-- kb8 (kb8um8@yahoo.com), April 18, 2001.
kb8LOL!!! Hey, this could be the Cubbies year dude......;-)
I know the heat and humidity will be here soon enough......it's just that IT WAS and I was really liking it a lot.
Hopefully, this will be the last blast of cold we see for several months.
-- Deano (deano@luvthebeach.com), April 18, 2001.
It seems to be a nation-wide "annoyance", Deano. Just as I'd learned that the thermostat didn't switch from heat to AC and set the thermostat to AC, a cool-front moved in and I needed to switch back to heat. THEN it got warm again and I switched to AC. THEN it got cold again and I switched back to heat. It's still cool enough today that the heat goes on occasionally, but tomorrow could be different.
-- Anita (Anita_S3@hotmail.com), April 18, 2001.
Deano, if this is *really* the Cubbies' year, Hell has, indeed, frozen over. Let's reconsider their standing (or lack thereof) in another few weeks. That's the annoying thing about that team: historically, they've often shown a lot of promise at the beginning of the season, but by late June or so, they start making not one, not two, but MULTIPLE errors each game. They make the Toledo Mud Hens (a farm team) look like superstars.Anita, glad to run into you on a thread, again! I hope all is well out your way and that you're having some better luck on the job search (maybe you've found something already?).
-- kb8 (kb8um8@yahoo.com), April 18, 2001.
AnitaI know exactly what you mean. Turned the heater on this morning for the 1st time in a long time and it had 'that smell' to it.
Too funny!!! "hell, has indeed, frozen over".......
We used to get all the Cubs game on cable, then the damned cable company decided to stop carrying WGN. Now it's Braves(TBS) and Marlins(FSN).
-- Deano (deano@luvthebeach.com), April 18, 2001.
Never fear,the sweet southern soultriness is on the brink of wrapping its heavenly humidity around our dampened,winter weary bones.It will soon be time for margarita's (as if they need a season),cold beers under shade tree's,basking and baking in the hot sun and taking refreshing swims in the lakes and oceans.
Capnfun searches for the sun
it can make him well,
a seasonal dysfunctional
quite depressed and pale.
But like PMS it ain't just stress
the doctor has explained,
too much gray and no beta ray
make bad juju in the brain.
So on winters nights you'll see him smilin'
he swears he smells the sea,
with dreams of tropic islands
employed to save his sanity: )
-- capnfun (capnfun1@excite.com), April 18, 2001.
capnMan, that was beautiful......
-- Deano (deano@luvthebeach.com), April 18, 2001.
Deano,Hey,I wish I could hook up with yaw'll at the marina you mentioned to Unk,that sounds awesome dude.
-- capnfun (capnfun1@excite.com), April 18, 2001.
capnIt's definitely a little chunk of paradise down there. They have a pretty cool website.
Check it out at http://www.sailfishmarina.com
Hey, if'n ya git a wild hair.........SHOW UP!!
The couple going with us is bringing their boat down. Singer Island is about a mile or so (compared to 30 miles up here) from the Gulf Stream (where the water's DEEP and the fish are BIG) down there. Offshore fishing capital of the world!! I don't get offshore very often so I'm pretty dadgummed excited about this lil' trip!
-- Deano (deano@luvthebeach.com), April 18, 2001.
Deano,Looks like a damn nice place and a party waiting to happen.Good luck out on the big pond and reel a whopper in for me while your at it.I got the wild hair but the job might be inclined to snip it if'n I acted on my impulses.Mayhaps next time!
-- capnfun (capnfun1@excite.com), April 18, 2001.
Drop a line in for me, wouldya? I wish I were fishing this afternoon.
-- kb8 (kb8um8@yahoo.com), April 18, 2001.
Well Kb8,it looks like we will have to be satisfied with catching a buzz and living vicariously through Deano this weekend.
-- capnfun (capnfun1@excite.com), April 18, 2001.
Yeah, sometimes them wild hairs can get ya in a lil' trouble if you act on'em.We're headed down there Wed. 5/16 thru Fri. 5/18, then hitting Flagler on the way back home for a night.
We've got 4 ballgames in the next 6 days starting tonight, so there ain't much happenin' in ol' Deano's life this weekend except BASEBALL.
-- Deano (deano@luvthebeach.com), April 18, 2001.
Baseball is berry berry good, but I'd still rather be fishing...Capn, you ought to relocate down in the Keys .... sounds like a cool place for a parrothead like you. (Parrotheads are Buffet fans to you youngsters). If FL weren't a "right to work" state, I'd seriously consider relocation.
-- kb8 (kb8um8@yahoo.com), April 18, 2001.
I didn't think Parrotheads worked.
-- Jack Booted Thug (governmentconspiracy@NWO.com), April 18, 2001.
Oh we work alright, we just do it in a different frame of mind.
-- Uncle Deedah (unkeed@yahoo.com), April 18, 2001.
LOL Unk. Reminds me of the tee shirt OUT OF MY MIND, BACK IN TEN MINUTES.KB you a liar, you only think about moving when the weather gets rotten. Besides you'd miss walleye fishing, smelt dipping and those sucky Mud Hens. Are the hens the Tigers or the Yankee's farm club?
-- (Weeble@wee.ble), April 18, 2001.
I don't know, maybe kb is just looking for some changes in latitudes for a while. Sounds like Unk is well on his way to changes in attitudes.
-- Jack Booted Thug (governmentconspiracy@NWO.com), April 18, 2001.
Kb8,It's just a short matter of time my friend before I'll be able to say;
"this dead season past has been my last,old man winter can kiss my ass,goodbye"
And BTW,Parottheads do work,just enough to cover their Boat Drinks on the way to Margaritaville : )
-- capnfun (capnfun1@excite.com), April 18, 2001.
This ol' Parrothead will most certainly end up a resident of The Keys one day. When I grow up I'm going to buy a lil' mom'n'pop 10-15 room motel, or maybe a B&B. SOMEWHERE IN THE KEYS (preferably Islamorada). And Capn, there will definitely be a Tiki Bar on the premises.Yep. That's what I'm gonna do......
-- Deano (deano@luvthebeach.com), April 19, 2001.
Deano,Islamorada sounds great or maybe Sugarloaf? I really don't care where, just as long as it below 26.00 or so I'll be a most happy fella.Maybe we need to sit down and discuss this one day,as I've been thinkin' of nearly the same thing for close to 30 years.
-- capnfun (capnfun1@excite.com), April 19, 2001.
Dude!We have aspired to be innkeepers for a long, long time. Wife and I came THIS CLOSE at the end of last year. Beautiful piece of property on the Intracoastal in Palm Coast/Flagler Beach area, right across the street from the beach. The clincher was none of the oceanfront residents/property owners across from the B&B would allow the guests to use their property to get to the beach, including the guy that owned the empty lot directly across the street. We offered to cut a small path up the side of his property in exchange for a dozen free nights a year at the B&B for as long as we owned it. No deal and NO WAY were we gonna live THAT CLOSE to the ocean and not have access.
And I tell ya that it was a HUGE learning experience - Small Business Admin, business plan, etc.....but I do know I definitely want to do that whilst I can still enjoy it!
One day soon (we hope!) we will....
-- Deano (deano@luvthebeach.com), April 19, 2001.
Deano,BTDT with the SBA,what a major pain in the kazoo,felt more like a circus poodle than an entrepreneur.I wouldn't mind havin' a little boat rental/tackle/supplies/tiki bar/trinket shop set up,add that to a small hotel or B&B and youv'e got a cat daddy of a biz.Just a lil food fer thought.
Was that vacant lot for sale?
Next time I head down island I'll give you a holler,maybe we'll have a few cool refreshers at the Tiki bar in Islamorada.
-- capnfun (capnfun1@excite.com), April 19, 2001.
capnDo I smell a partnership in the making??? I'll have to file that one away for future ref.
Was the lot for sale??? Oh yeah, for about 800 grand......definitely was not an option. Funny, the real estate agent was like - Why don't you just buy it too? I about busted a gut when she (seriously) suggested that!
Do hollar on yer way down my friend!! Drinks will be on moi'!
-- Deano (deano@luvthebeach.com), April 19, 2001.
Deano,Future ref is cool,ya never know.It's nice to know that I'm not the lone loon in regards to the Keys idea,Iv'e taken my share of guff from people who don't understand the beauty of living in the middle of nowhere(to us it's called Paradise).
I'm not gonna wait till I can't enjoy it either,life is just too damn short!I'm,planning a short trip there hopefully before the year is out,damn! need my fix.I'll let ya know when it's more definite.
-- capnfun (capnfun1@excite.com), April 19, 2001.