Dazzle DVC MovieStar s/w......

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

To all, Please advise where can I get a full version of Dazzle DVC MovieStar v4.2.x to run my Dazzle USB h/w under W2K (besides the store). Thanx a bunch !!!


-- Ed (edchuah@yahoo.com), April 18, 2001


Hi go to : www.dazzle.com/support/update-DVCUSB-421-422htm and download the software patch.... If you're in Malaysia, contact me at 019-2381510

-- Kumara Velu (kumar234@yahoo.com), May 26, 2001.

im looking a moviestar for a dazzle dvc usb, where can I get? if somebody have a moviestar pls tell me, my email is dayk_@hotmail.com

-- Ed (dayk_@hotmail.com), December 11, 2001.


-- mehdi (mehdi_m2003_18@yahoo.com), July 05, 2004.

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