POPO - glowing nicely this morning

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Popo Cam

-- Anonymous, April 18, 2001


From the explosion yesterday:

The photos are down at the site so I'll leave this link in case CENAPRED fixes it. It was a good B&W photo of a relatively small eruption--but a nice one! And you could see hot lava running down the slopes.

Popocam is obscured by smoke from Popocatepetl so it's obviously belching stuff out.

-- Anonymous, April 18, 2001

Will be interesting to see what it does today. Another couple of hours before daylight there. With Popo active again and the increase activity of earthquakes in Cali and Nevada, plus the earthquakes off shore of Cali, makes you wonder how far this will esculate.

-- Anonymous, April 18, 2001

Can I blame any of this on post Y2K problems?


-- Anonymous, April 18, 2001

Well, it is post-Y2k so it must be a post-Y2K problem!

Yes, Maggie, EQs and volcanoes are very active, seems like. Hope you have time in the next few days to keep us updated. You have a Sixth Sense about these things.

Anything new on the New Madrid?

-- Anonymous, April 18, 2001

http://www.boston.com/dailynews/107/world/Moderate_explosion_in_volcan o_:.shtml

Moderate explosion in volcano outside Mexico City

By Associated Press, 4/17/2001 00:48

MEXICO CITY (AP) Mexico's Popocatepetl Volcano had a moderate explosion Monday, spewing hot rocks up to 1¼ miles away and a column of ash that shot 2½ miles high.

The 40-second explosion was provoked by the collapse of a lava dome that had built up in the volcano's crater in recent weeks, according to an announcement from the National Center for Prevention of Disasters.

The center, which had predicted the explosion, said more activity was possible in the next few days from the 17,886-foot volcano, located about 40 miles south of Mexico City.

On Dec. 18, the volcano staged its most violent eruption in 1,200 years, spewing red-hot rock and convincing thousands who live at its base to flee to shelters set up in safe areas. The villagers were allowed to return on Dec. 27.

Residents are still barred from coming within seven miles of the crater.

-- Anonymous, April 18, 2001

(Maggie, I fixed it for single-line breaks by putting br inside <> at the end of each line.)

Old Git, just went to the site that list EQs around the New Madrid area, this is what was there:

New Madrid--Recent EQs

Recent Earthquakes in Central US

There are 42 earthquakes on this map.

Update time = Wed Apr 18 11:00:05 CDT 2001
Here are the 30 most recent earthquakes and all M>3 earthquakes on this map...


1.7 2001/04/11 21:41:46 36.553N 89.612W 9.3 8 km ( 5 mi) WSW of New Madrid MO
1.2 2001/04/07 22:27:16 35.889N 89.984W 7.0 8 km ( 5 mi) SW of Blytheville AR
1.3 2001/04/07 05:37:58 36.138N 89.398W 8.3 12 km ( 7 mi) W of Newbern TN
1.1 2001/04/05 13:54:43 35.870N 90.008W 10.1 11 km ( 7 mi) SW of Blytheville AR
1.2 2001/04/03 05:23:08 36.238N 89.303W 6.1 13 km ( 8 mi) NNW of Newbern TN
2.5 2001/04/01 22:05:51 36.211N 89.438W 9.5 6 km ( 4 mi) SSE of Ridgely TN
1.5 2001/03/31 03:26:25 36.355N 89.257W 5.1 19 km (12 mi) WSW of Union City TN
0.8 2001/03/28 23:06:44 36.120N 89.743W 8.3 9 km ( 6 mi) ENE of Steele MO
1.3 2001/03/26 03:12:03 36.562N 89.618W 8.1 8 km ( 5 mi) WSW of New Madrid MO
1.2 2001/03/24 11:14:29 36.148N 89.439W 11.6 13 km ( 8 mi) SSE of Ridgely TN
0.8 2001/03/23 16:48:14 35.816N 90.161W 11.6 21 km (13 mi) NW of Osceola AR
1.2 2001/03/18 00:25:34 36.101N 89.758W 8.3 7 km ( 4 mi) ENE of Steele MO
1.2 2001/03/17 00:41:08 36.495N 89.566W 11.6 10 km ( 6 mi) SSW of New Madrid MO
1.6 2001/03/15 08:35:03 36.534N 89.573W 6.9 7 km ( 4 mi) SW of New Madrid MO
1.1 2001/03/14 18:30:45 36.414N 89.520W 8.1 6 km ( 3 mi) NW of Tiptonville TN
1.0 2001/03/09 03:23:09 36.252N 89.445W 6.1 4 km ( 2 mi) ESE of Ridgely TN
1.7 2001/03/06 09:37:09 36.215N 89.261W 6.5 10 km ( 6 mi) N of Newbern TN
1.3 2001/03/04 21:18:06 36.341N 89.286W 5.3 18 km (11 mi) ESE of Tiptonville TN
1.2 2001/03/03 06:57:21 36.326N 89.530W 9.0 8 km ( 5 mi) SW of Tiptonville TN
1.5 2001/02/17 21:41:56 36.365N 89.237W 2.4 17 km (11 mi) WSW of Union City TN
0.8 2001/02/07 09:43:18 36.205N 89.485W 6.3 6 km ( 4 mi) S of Ridgely TN
1.2 2001/02/06 21:11:00 36.295N 89.481W 6.5 4 km ( 2 mi) N of Ridgely TN
1.7 2001/01/30 19:23:55 35.228N 89.998W 10.7 22 km (14 mi) NNE of Memphis TN
1.1 2001/01/30 11:55:35 36.155N 89.469W 13.8 12 km ( 7 mi) S of Ridgely TN
2.0 2001/01/16 02:54:16 36.262N 89.276W 5.4 16 km (10 mi) N of Newbern TN
1.6 2001/01/12 05:32:10 36.220N 89.449W 7.5 6 km ( 3 mi) SE of Ridgely TN
1.3 2001/01/05 17:32:16 36.115N 89.743W 5.7 9 km ( 5 mi) ENE of Steele MO
1.7 2000/12/31 13:05:10 36.425N 89.493W 5.1 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of Tiptonville TN
1.8 2000/12/29 17:05:56 36.528N 89.528W 8.4 6 km ( 4 mi) S of New Madrid MO
1.1 2000/12/23 00:04:20 36.450N 89.499W 9.8 8 km ( 5 mi) NNW of Tiptonville TN

-- Anonymous, April 18, 2001

Sorry about the way the liist came out. If you want to, just dellete and leave the URL up to the site.

Please give me info on how to make a hot link. I promise to put it on a post note on my computer, for future reference.

I am listening to Art Bell, Scallion is the guest and talking about a poll shift...interesting to listen to.

There was a 3+M EQ close to the South end of the Salton Sea lake (in Southern Cal.). I ask Frank about the possibility of the small swarm of EQs there, after the 3+M EQ, if they could be related to magma flow. Very interesting conversation.

-- Anonymous, April 18, 2001

This software won't put a page break at the end of a line unless there's a double carriage return. Um, I mean a double "enter." I'll go into the innards and fix it. I see CENAPRED has cut the link to the photo, too, will try to get the link for it.

Okay, wherever you see a [, put a <. Wherever you see a ], put a >.



You'll see MAGGIE'S HOTLINK in magic blue.


[img src=YOUR URL HERE]

And you should see the photo. If not, you can go into the innards and fix whatever it was. Sometimes the software will pagebreak a photo URL or something and you have to go in and make it all one long line, then it will work.

Gonna fix those EQ reports now!

-- Anonymous, April 18, 2001

This is one of his post back to me, about my question on the swarm of EQs close to the Salto Sea. I couln't find the frist response about this subject. Also I am going to try for the first time a hot liink here. Thanks Old Git for the instructions for the hot link and picture.

Sygyzy Site Date: April 17, 2001 at 22:17:21 From: Frank Condon, Subject: Question For Frank Condon URL: Palmdale Bulge

HI Maggie: Actually, it's more like an iceberg than a ship, since the exposed half is miniscule compared to what is kept underground. One of my favorite books about the earth is titled, "Naked Earth: The New Geophysics." You'd be surprised at what's actually down there! Yes, those intrusions throughout the Eastern Sierra's are hot-spots where a cinder cone could pop up at anytime and that's why they monitor it very closely! Some areas of the Mojave have seen action as recent as several hundred years ago. Unconfirmed is a report from witnesses in San Bernardino of watching a column of black smoke coming from near the top of Mt. San Jacinto! But that was from a local newspaper story printed back in the 1890's. Well, I'm leaning towards calling the 34th parallel as being the most active line worldwide. Ancient plate boundaries which underlie the currently active plates of the world are most likely the culprit. That's possibly also where they got the idea for the "Palmdale Bulge" theory.

Frank Condon GeoSeismic Labs

-- Anonymous, April 18, 2001

It worked, it worked! I did a hot link!

-- Anonymous, April 18, 2001

When I tried the hot link to Popo, I don't see the volcano.

-- Anonymous, April 18, 2001

Apr 18, 2001 - 01:04 PM

Earthquake Rocks Northern Colombia The Associated Press

BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) - A 5.2-magnitude earthquake swayed buildings and sent people running from their homes and offices in northern Colombia on Wednesday. There were no immediate reports of damage or injures.

The quake was centered outside Nechi, 260 miles north of the Colombian capital of Bogota, and began shortly after 10 a.m., the Colombian seismological center reported.

The temblor was felt throughout much of northern Colombia, the seismological center said, and frightened residents of Monteria and Sincelejo, cities near the epicenter.

AP-ES-04-18-01 1304EDT © Copyright 2001 Associated Press. All rights reserved.

-- Anonymous, April 18, 2001

The hot link to Popo is working now for me. Popo is active.

-- Anonymous, April 18, 2001

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