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SanFranChronLieberman blasts Bush's handling of energy crisis
Carla Marinucci, Chronicle Political Writer
Wednesday, April 18, 2001
©2001 San Francisco Chronicle
URL: http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2001/04/18/MNLIEBERMAN.TMP&nl=top
Democratic Sen. Joseph Lieberman -- in California on an ambitious fund-raising and speaking tour -- charged yesterday that President Bush's "disengagement" in the state's energy crisis constitutes "a serious mistake" with grave economic risk.
"It's a crisis . . . that obviously not only affects the people of California, it affects the whole country," the former Democratic vice presidential candidate told The Chronicle editorial board yesterday.
"This is a very real, practical situation in which a significant part of American needs help -- now," said the Connecticut senator, who is considered a 2004 Democratic presidential contender. Noting that California represents 13 percent of the country's gross domestic product, Lieberman warned, "you can't disengage from California."
Asked if he believes Bush has distanced himself from California because of its Democratic leanings -- and the Republican's 12 percentage point defeat last November -- Lieberman said, "I feel that very strongly . . . (but) to sit back on some ideological premise is very destructive."
Lieberman said he would support legislation sponsored by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., that calls for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to temporarily "impose price caps on the wholesale cost of electricity."
Lieberman's remarks came during a packed trip to California, the most extensive visit thus far by any possible Democratic presidential contender.
Lieberman spoke and scheduled his visit like a candidate, hitting a carefully chosen list of prime political spots. He addressed an enthusiastic crowd at the Commonwealth Club of California, met at the home of major Democratic fund-raiser Joel Hyatt with influential CEOs in Silicon Valley and hit a $5,000-a-head event at the San Francisco home of another powerhouse Democratic fund-raiser, venture capitalist Sandy Robertson.
Today, Lieberman is scheduled to meet in Beverly Hills with movie industry directors, actors and executives to discuss issues related to media content; in addition he will headline a fund-raising lunch. Tomorrow, he is expected to meet with legislators and Gov. Gray Davis in Sacramento.
The senator's visit underscored the early importance of the nation's most populous state as a money machine for Democratic hopefuls. Lieberman is the latest in a trail of rumored 2004 Democratic hopefuls to visit, including Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry, Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh and House Minority leader Richard Gephardt.
Noting California's 1.3 million-vote margin of victory for the Gore-Lieberman team in November 2000, Lieberman promised, "I'll be coming back regularly." But he also firmly ruled out a run should former Vice President Al Gore decide on another shot.
"I can't imagine myself running if he does," Lieberman said. "He has earned the right to make the first decision on this. . . . I think I owe that to him."
But a measure of the waning attention of Democrats for a second Gore candidacy could be the sharp words yesterday of San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, who pronounced a Gore 2004 campaign all but dead.
"Gore probably had his opportunity," Brown told The Chronicle. "If you don't (win) it as vice president, it would be very difficult to do it as a Columbia professor."
Brown echoed Democratic concerns that Gore is guilty of a "tactical error" -- by failing to publicly challenge Bush's efforts to overturn Clinton administration policies.
"You have to consistently establish yourself in the minds of the American people if you want to pursue national leadership," Brown said.
The outspoken mayor noted that Democratic leaders like Lieberman -- who have the advantage of a high-profile Senate seat -- are now increasingly "sought after" to respond to Bush's actions.
But "no one's looking for Al Gore to comment on anything," Brown said.
Lieberman, however, defended Gore yesterday.
"He ran a strong and principled campaign," said Lieberman. Noting that he keeps in close touch, Lieberman said the former vice president's focus now is "on his teaching and his writing."
"I'm sure in due time -- he'll continue to speak out, and his voice will be an important one."
In the meantime, Lieberman said, "I'm not closing any doors, but I'm not rushing through any doors either."
E-mail Carla Marinucci at cmarinucci@sfchronicle.com.
©2001 San Francisco Chronicle Page A - 4
-- Anonymous, April 18, 2001
Two quick thoughts: at least the politicans are starting to call it an energy crisis, but heaven help us if they cap wholesale prices for electricity. Rolling blackouts will spread thoughout the country.Flavius Aetius
-- Anonymous, April 19, 2001