CLINTON - Office lease signed at $354k/ : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
NYDailyNewsBill's Harlem Digs Set Ready to move into 354G 125th St. office in July
Daily News Business Writer
It's official: Former President Bill Clinton has a Harlem office. The price tag: $354,000 a year.
After nearly two months of tweaking the fine print, the General Services Administration and Cogswell Realty signed a five-page lease giving Clinton office space at 55 W. 125th St. for the next 10 years.
"It's been a long process, and we're delighted that it's done," said Arthur Stern, CEO of Cogswell, the building's owner.
Though the base rent is $261,450 a year, Clinton spokeswoman Julia Payne said the lease would come to about $354,000 a year when costs such as electricity and tenant improvements were included.
That means his space will still be the most expensive for any ex-President.
The lease covers 8,300 square feet. The Secret Service will take the floor's remaining 300 square feet.
The GSA is expected to spend $337,060 fixing up Clinton's office — the cost of which is included in the overall price tag.
Clinton sought a Harlem office after being sharply criticized for wanting to move into Carnegie Hall Tower, a lush building on W. 57th St. His office there would have cost about $800,000 a year.
He then set his sights on the 14th floor of the Cogswell building — which had been rented to the city Administration for Children's Services.
In February, the Giuliani administration and Cogswell announced a deal that would move the agency to a lower floor in exchange for about $750,000 in rent reductions over 15 years.
But the landlord had to sign its new deal with the city before Clinton's agreement became final. "It just took a long time to resolve all those issues," Stern said.
Clinton, who is expected to move into the offices in July, has hired architect Navid Magami of Greenberg Farrow and designer Sheila Bridges. Magami leads a team that is redesigning a landmark Macy's at Queens Blvd. and 56th Ave. in Elmhurst. Past Bridges clients include author Tom Clancy and hip hop mogul Sean (P. Diddy) Combs.
Stern said he had seen plans for the new office and described them as "nothing lavish."
"We've done a lot more elaborate buildouts for other executives," he said.
According to Magami, the office will consist of a reception area, a conference room, staff offices and Clinton's private office.
Magami said the decor would be "simple but elegant."
The color scheme will stress light shades, at Clinton's request. The floor of the reception area will be laid with Travertine stone tiles, described as "very classic marble" — beige in color. Clinton's private office will be painted off-white and have beige carpeting, with wooden shelves lining the walls.
"What's really important to him is his books and his music," Magami said. "Those are the focus of his office."
-- Anonymous, April 18, 2001